Kissing booth ~ Tsukasa (fluff) *LGBTQ+*

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° Tsukasa isn't gay but twenty bucks is twenty bucks. Oh, and also he definitely is gay.

1835 words

Tsukasa and Amane might have been twins but they were nothing alike.

Amane liked learning, he liked knowing there was life beyond earth, he liked being educated enough about a topic to either help someone directly or help fix a problem they were having.

Tsukasa liked tying people's shoes together, he liked covering floors in coconut oil and watching as people fall on their ass, he liked sneaking into outdoor weddings and taking the first slice out of the cake when no one was looking.

And yet, for some reason he was still trying to figure out, their mother enrolled both of them in early college classes at Kakome Academy.

Tsukasa's not sure where he'll end up but he is sure it's not going to be at some stingy office job making minimum wage and eating frozen t.v dinners every night. Let Amane do that all he wants, Tsukasa wanted to live-truly live.

He and his mother don't see eye to eye on this.

If that makes him angry, he doesn't show it. He doesn't show much. That's just what he does; stuff it down, hide it away, he's got sixty pages in his journal dedicated to what he could be, if he could just get away. But he needed money

So, naturally, he opens a kissing booth.

He's not old enough to do much more. Barely thirteen and lacking in social etiquette; he knows his skills are limited. What he does know, though, is that he's pretty easy on the eyes. He makes the sign out of paper stolen from the art room, slapping paint on it and putting extra effort into making his handwriting look good. (It takes some effort-one of the S's almost ends up backwards and there's a random skull dotting the 'I' in 'kissing' because he got bored)

It takes a few days to figure out the best placement for his booth, but he finds that he gets the most attention when he's behind the school during lunch and in-between classes. Apparently that's when all the losers come out, but he wasn't complaining, he was still getting paid.
All he has on the milk crate he uses for a booth counter is a coffee can for money, but that doesn't stop him. He can make this work.

The teachers have yet to catch on and even if they did Tsuakasa didn't care. He'd just move to another part of the school until he got caught on again.
Most of his customers are girls and boys his age. Some already have a crush on him and others have a crush on his brother and Tsukasa happens to be the second best thing. (finally, having a twin comes in handy,) but he'll occasionally get someone a grade or two older that are either extremely desperate kiss virgins or they're stuck in a boring relationship.

He actually preferred the latter because they always paid him extra to keep his mouth shut (which he was going to do anyway but he wasn't planning on telling them that)

"Excuse me, how much-"

Tsukasa turns on the charm and hits the nervous girl with a sweet smile. Looking like this he could almost pass for his brother. He's good at that, reading people and showing them what they want to see.

"I usually charge fifty cents" he says, brushing hair out of his face, "but for you? I'll take a quarter"

Honestly he'd be happy with a dime, but he can't deny how well that line worked every time he used it.

He finds himself one kiss poorer and a fifty cents richer. The girl goes back to her friends, giggling, the entire group burning red as they walk away. There's something rewarding about it, and Tsukasa can't help but chuckle. It's easy work, it's fun work, he can't argue with that. Maybe he'll just end up doing this forever... who knows.

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