Puppy ~ Hanako (fluff)

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The premise

° y/n is tired of being treated differently just because she's a hybrid

° Will Hanako be able to grant her wish?

4180 words

"What? Did you want a bone, freak?"

"Are you gonna growl at us, hybrid?"

"Why are you crying, dog?"

Y/n whimpered as one of her tormentors pulled her tail out from between her legs. Another dug their nails into one of her furry ears. The last student leaned over and spat directly in her face, his saliva coating her thick lashes.

"Looks like you need to get cleaned up" the male student taunted.

With the other two teens following their leader, they drug y/n by her ears and tail until they reached the closest empty room.

The 3rd floor girls bathroom.

Y/n let out a sharp cry as she was throw against the wall right next to the bathroom's entrance. The two students that originally held her in place backed off as their leader took a few leisurely steps towards her.

Y/n was slightly shaking under his gaze. Her school uniform was wrinkled and tattered with dirt along with trickles of her own blood. Her tail hung cowardly between her legs. Her ears laid flat against her head as she tried to make herself disappear.

Her nose, buttoned and upturned, sniffled occasionally, drawing up a line of blood only for it to fall down to her upper lip. Small high pitched whimpers left her mouth.

She wasn't sure why she was constantly being treated the way she was. The broad explanation was that she had the DNA of both a wolf and a human. This genetic mutation caused her to have another set of ears, covered in fur, on top of her head, a tail which she typically kept hidden, a set of retractable claws on both her hands and feet, and a set of pearly white canines.

But aside from that, she was human.

She had toes and fingers which connected to feet and hands. Her limbs were those of a normal teenage girl. Soft s/c skin decorated with peach fuzz. She didn't have a snout or whiskers of any kind. Her eyes, even though they were a tad bigger than normal, had a dense black pupil in the middle of e/c skies.

She would be considered pretty if it wasn't for her animal counterparts.

Y/n often hid her tail and ears in public with hats and thick sweatpants. Her claws and fangs were luckily retractable so she never had to worry about them. Most hybrids actually did that same thing. But when she was enrolled in this school, she was forced to enroll as a hybrid.

It was the law. Apparently it was for the 'protection of human students' but in y/n's case, the humans weren't the ones needing protection.

Not everyone hated y/n, some students and most teachers actually pitted her, but she knew their sympathy wouldn't change a thing.
Instead of accepting hybrids as people, they're treated barely better than dirt. Because no matter how you look at it, people don't like change.
Historically speaking, they're afraid of it.
And what do humans do when they're afraid of something?

They fight it.

The boy hovering over y/n chuckled to himself. He used his pointer finger to move a bit of hair out of her face. He liked the look of despair that riddled her expression.

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