Look at me! ~ Tsukasa (angst -kind of-)

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The premise

° y/n just received the book series of Harry Potter for her birthday and she cannot stop herself from reading the addictive novella.

° Tsukasa, however, gets irritated rather quickly when he notices her attention is no longer on him.

2628 words


A pair of s/c freshly shaved legs swung back and forth in the air as the body attached to them hummed contently. A girl who went by the name f/n l/n was laying belly down on a comfortable looking couch which belonged to the occupants of broadcasting room. In her hands was the first book of the Harry Potter series, which she was recently gifted for her birthday by her mother.
She had always loved to read and was beyond excited to start a new series.

Tsukasa watched y/n with a blank stare. He was floating almost directly in front of her but she didn't notice because of the book that she just had to read right then and there. Tsukasa enjoyed y/n's company very much, but she wasn't able to come around often because of the AP and college credit classes she was taking. She never really had alot of free time to begin with so Tsukasa had to count his blessings.

But still, she hadn't seen him all week because of homework assignments and extra credit classes. He hadn't heard her voice or spent anytime with her in a week. Granted, when the two did first become friends y/n did say someone along the lines of "if you ever get in between me and my education, I'll never talk to you again"

So Tsukasa was in a bit of a quarrel.

He didn't want to interrupt her book. It might be some sort of class assignment and if he made her lose focus then she might leave the broadcasting room and never come back. He should have just been happy that she chose to spend any of her time with him at all. Seeing her laying on that couch in her freshly pressed school uniform with her face slightly glowing from the lighting in the room should have been enough for him.

But on the other hand, she had basically been ignoring him for an entire week. He thought she had sketched him out of her life already until she showed up with that book.

Was it that wrong of him to want just a little more from her?

Tsukasa decided to test his luck. He stopped floating and dropped down to his feet in front of her. She still didn't look up or show him any form of attention. His crotch was basically even with her forehead and he knew the position would look weird to any third party.

"Y/n, watcha readin'?" He asked in a sing song voice.

The girl placed her finger on the end of a sentence on the page, probably to keep her place, before looking up at him.

Her eyes were so different in moments like these, moments with him. More soft than Tsukasa knew eyes could be. The professional girl who's life revolved around test scores was gone and instead was replaced by a normal teenage girl, his friend. If it were anyone else he would drop his gaze and go on with his day, but with her he's drawn in closer, always wanting more.

Tsukasa wanted so much to just reach forward, grab both of her cheeks, and scream out how much he loved her. It's not like he hadn't done it before, but he was still testing the waters at the moment.

"Harry Potter, my mom bought me the series for my birthday" y/n said with a smile.


Just another reminder to Tsukasa that y/n was getting older and just like everyone else, she would leave him and pursue her own life.

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