Stalker ~ Tsukasa (angst)

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° Note to self: always listen to your gut.

4909 Words


There is no reason for you to feel uneasy around Tsukasa.

He makes himself as non-threatening as a dead school boy can. He's backing off whenever he's too close, making sure to ask if everything is alright with you and basically everything else any responsible and decent human being should do.

He's friendly and he's funny and he's boyishly charming. It's a delight to hear him speak about things that interest him, and he has a lot of interests. (Sure, most of them involve the beating and mutilation of other apparitions, but he never shows that side around you so you can blissfully ignore it)

It's a compliment, isn't it? That he has this much interest in you, out of all people. That he's taking so much time out of his apparently busy schedule. That sometimes you catch him looking at you with so much affection that it steals your breath. You were nothing special, you knew that. There were thousands of y/n's smarter or much better looking than you--a few of them even in the school.
Yet, still, Tsukasa chose you. You should feel honored, really. It was the first time someone has ever taken an interest in you in, well, ever. You even flew under your parent's radar most days.

And because of this, logically, you know you shouldn't feel uncomfortable around Tsukasa, but you can't help it.

You've only just met not too long ago--by pure accident, might you add. You had gotten a feeling that someone was following you and you (dumbly) tried to loose them by going up to the roof. You ended up loosing your balance and came very close to falling over the rails. Tsukasa saved you and while, yes, you questioned what he was even doing up there to begin with, he still saved your life. You should be grateful.. and you were, but..

He's everywhere, and he's always just a lot, even when he's doing nothing. You feel like you're constantly on a stage, in his private spotlight, and you don't know how you even ended up there in the first place.

You're in the library, turning pages in your book when you hear someone pull the chair next to you back. You know who it is without having to check.

And it's nice, isn't it? Not having to deal with a stranger and instead having it be Tsukasa--just like it always was.

He has a polaroid camera strapped around his neck. He's had it for a while but barley ever wears it in your presence. He said it was a late birthday gift from Natsuhiko but when you asked Natsuhiko he denied being involved. So you didn't bring it up again.
Before taking a seat, Tsukasa asks if he's interrupting or bothering you... If you've already eaten... if you'd care for more.

If you'd like to have lunch with him.

You should have expected him to ask eventually. You're not in a relationship and he's never mentioned being in one either. He's been very sweet with you, has never given you anything to worry about and when you offhandedly mentioned him to you friends (excluding the part about him being dead) they excitedly told you to go for it. Sure he was a ghost but a ghost you were indebted you--one that's done nothing but bend to your every will and need.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now