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"Come on Dae, talk to me, I'm bored," I whined, slightly tightening my grip on his hand. It had been at least fifteen minutes already of walking around the area, checking out the surroundings, and so far I was still able to stall him with bringing me back. I couldn't keep Minho and Changbin worrying for too long, but I most definitely wanted to know if there was something I could possibly get out of this. "Then tell me, what would you like to know?" he asked me, finally turning his head to look at me. Good, eye contact always worked.

"Everything there is to know. About this place, you, of course," I giggled, making sure to keep the eye contact. "Hmmm," he pondered, looking around. "How about... I tell you all about that later? Wouldn't want Chul to get suspicious now. Or jealous for all that matter," he laughed, looking back at our designated bungalow. "Are you sure we can? I wouldn't want to miss out on it. I've heard there's big plans waiting for me tomorrow anyways... all because of my stupid teammate," I pouted, waiting for his reaction. As soon as I saw his interest peak, I took my chance to continue.

"I mean, really! If it hadn't been for him, I could have had more time together. With you. But now look at what he's gotten me into. I was finally started to be interested in this place, but he's ruined everything for me." He stopped in his tracks, his eyes slightly widening. "You were liking this place? But why?" He seemed genuinely confused, almost making me doubt just how to continue. "Come on, you know. For the first time in ever I was able to get some action if you know what I mean. And hey, maybe through it I could meet a special person," I added, just in case he wasn't the type of person I thought he would be.

"Didn't think you'd be that type of girl," he chuckled, leaning his head back. I grew quiet, awaiting how he'd continue. I couldn't make a mistake now. "But I guess there's nothing wrong with wanting to find the right person. And seeing how there's plenty of people here, I'm sure there could be someone here." He paused for a second, looking back at my bungalow. "But I thought you had something going on with either of those two," he eyed, standing just far enough for his seemingly friend to not notice us yet. "I mean, that Minho guy surely seemed to keep his eyes on you. And the other one got extremely mad as soon as he saw you with someone else, you know."

I let out a laugh, shaking my head. Good to get any suspicions he could have out of the way first. "Oh please, I can't possibly see those two as anything like that. Not my type," I answered him, once again seeking eye contact. He seemed to take the bate, glancing back, easy to spot he was looking me up and down. "Makes me wonder what your type is then," he teased, shooting me a wink before letting go of my hand, now once again holding onto wrist. "But I'll have to figure that out later."

Just as he was about to continue, he stopped in his tracks one more time. "But hey, don't worry too much, okay? I'll be sure to look out for you when I can." And without saying another word, he took me back, already giving his friend a lengthy explanation, bullcrap really, but it seemed like he too needed to find an excuse for why he was gone so long. Minho and Changbin too seemed to completely scan me for any possible injuries, or any traces of what else could have happened. I shook me head, giving them a simple smile to refute any ideas they could have gotten.

"What on earth happened over there," Changbin whispered, taking me as far away from the door as he could. With how loud Dae and Chul were speaking it wasn't hard to stay quiet. "I can't tell you too much yet, but it seems like he took the bate," I grinned, eyeing backwards. And yet, it only called for more questions from Changbin. "Y/N, whatever you want to do, I'm telling you, don't do it. I know you're trying to help us get out of there, but trust me, nothing good will come from flirting with a bunch of horny men. At least not for you, and that's the last thing I want."

Looking at Minho for any support didn't work either, given the way he kept looking at me with both sternness and worry. If I wanted to try to make it work, I'd have to do so on my own, and that was something I quite frankly truly didn't want to do right now. I hated to admit it, but I needed their support. "I know it's not the smartest way, but it seems to be working. From what I can tell he's keeping an eye out for me to make sure no one else gets to me before the big boss makes his decision. If I could work on it more, maybe-"

"Stop. Please," Changbin sighed, running his hands through his hair, his eyes slowly welling up. "Listen, I know there's no way to make this sound normal, but I'd rather get hurt than watch you quite practically give yourself away to safe us. You don't think I saw those tears when Minho was on top of you? Those aren't the tears of someone going through that the first time. Trust me, I know it. So seriously, please, please don't go too far. Just... rely on me for this, okay? I might not have an answer so far, but I promise you I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of there. "

Even though he was right about me, about my past, why did it feel like there was a whole other story behind his words?

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