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Zyla's Point Of View
11:30 P.M.

Almost 12 whole months since somebody tried to take me and my sister out, could y'all believe that? Because I still can't wrap my head around it.

Zaria swore we were gone die that day, but far as me, I wasn't going out like that.

So much has happened in these past couple months, and I'm just thankful that I'm alive,  healthy, and happy.

My fast sneaky ass sister, I mean Zaria ended up actually being pregnant and in the beginning I was on her ass, because pregnant at 16? Girl what is wrong with you?

My mom was pissed off. I've seen her mad before but Zaria had struck a nerve in her body I have never seen before.

oh my dad? He lowkey wanted to put her head through the washer and dryer!

He couldn't believe it. His sweet, innocent child, who does no wrong in his eyes, hunching unprotected like a BIG dummy!

So I guess you can say we were all disappointed in her, because everything goes out one ear to the other when it comes to that twin of mine.

Zaria literally lack brain cells when it comes to Kameron, I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the trees, because apparently my daddy was the same way with Kam's mother.

Everyone thought it will be me fast, pregnant or even acting grown for my age but look how the roles reversed.

Why would I want to carry a baby on my hip, and I'm just a baby like?

But when my nephew was born it's was like a switch went off, and we all came around eventually.

I swear my nephew is just the cutest thing ever, it's no better feeling than being an aunt.

Halo, Hamani, and Xemai literally have my heart, I love them so much.

Malachi and I been together for 6 months now. But the difference between Zaria and I, I don't have sex, and don't plan on it anytime soon.

I'm young and sex is the least of my worries. I just love having fun, and not being pressured, I'm truly in my soft girl era. Love that for me.

But I'll be lying if I said that car accident didn't traumatized me, after all these months we still don't know who crashed into us.

I was in and out of consciousness but I remember a guy coming to my window and laughing.

He was talking but I couldn't make out the words he was saying, but his voice... it was something I could never forget.

BUT today at the bowling alley I recognized that same voice, that same laughter. As much as I wanted to shout, scream, and cry I just froze up.

This guy almost took my sister away from me, and as much as she gets on my nerves, I couldn't do life without my twin.

"Can you keep an eye on your nephew , while I take a shower?" Zaria asked me, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Can you bring him in here? I don't feel like going back and forth" I told her, and she sucked her teeth like she didn't just ask me to do HER a favor.

"I don't know why you smacking your lips for, because I won't do nothing now" I snapped out.

"Never mind Zyla, he's literally sleep and I don't want to wake him up.. moving 2 feet isn't gone hurt you, lazy ass" said Zaria.

"But don't even worried about it" she stormed out my room, and I just rolled my eyes because of how dramatic she was.

"You been quiet" Zachary said, as he climbed into bed, Fatima was in the process of tying her scarf around her head.

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