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Flashback start....

14 years ago....

It was Sunday evening and Lara was at the bar were she was working.

She was standing behind the counter, cleaning a glass with a rag.

"Why does this bar takes forever to get another drink?" a voice asked and Lara looked over at a guy around her age with short dark brown hair, sitting by the bar counter, holding an empty drink in his hands.

He looked like he was around 33 years, only three years older than her.

"Jesus, maybe I should have pick another bar" the guy said .

Then a glass filled with vodka was slid over to him and he grabbed it before he looked up to see Lara, looking at him.

"That was about time" he said "How about some gratitude" she said and he raised a brow before taking a sip of the drink.

"Good to see someone with a good taste" he said as he looked at her "Well, you were complaining, so I better give you our best" she said "Wait, you work here?" he asked "No, I just like standing behind the counter of bars, acting like I'm a bartender" she said sarcastically and he raise a brow "What do you think mister grumpy pants?" she asked "I just didn't expect a woman like you to be working here" he said "What do you mean with a 'woman like me'?" she asked "A beautiful woman like you" he said which cause her to roll her eyes.

If this was his way of flirting, he was really bad at it but Lara think he was a handsome guy so she didn't reject him and decided to give him a chance.

Strangely enough, the guy stayed at the counter as everyone in the bar left.

"You do know that we're closing in a few minutes right?" she asked "I don't got anything better to do" he said as he took another sip of his drink.

"Why did you even stay?" she asked and he looked at her before scanning her up and down.

It was like he was checking her out, and he like what he saw.

"What do you say we get out of here?" he asked "Are you trying to flirt with me?" she asked "I don't know" he said with a more embarrassing voice "You are terrible at it, just so you know" she said and she could see that he was blusning a bit.

The guy felt weird, he don't used to be like this in front of strangers, but there was something about that woman behind the counter.

"If you are trying flirt with me, at least you can do is say your name at first" she said "I'm William, but you can call me Will" the guy said "Lizzy" Lara said, she always used her mom's middle name when she meet strangers at bars.

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