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Lara and Five arrived at a building that was hangout to the biker gang, The Mothers of Agony.

Motorcycle engines revving was heard as the two walked closer to the building while people was giving them both some weird looks, wondering what two kids was doing here.

Five grabbed Lara's hand as they both entered the club, gaining a few more looks from the bikers inside.

"What you two doing here, baby?" a woman asked "Lost, kid?" a man asked but the two just kept walking through the club.

"You lost angel" a man said, glazing at Lara causing Five to gently squeezed her hand, pulling her closer.

The two walked past some dancer that was dancing beside the pole swinging their hips back and forth while running their hands along the metal pole for customers' entertainment.

Lara noticed that Five glanced at the dancers which 'cause her to give him a small slap at the back of his head "Ouch" he said "Eyes front mister, you are taking" she said and he chuckled as they approached a door with a golden star on.


Five opened the door to hear a tattoo machine buzzing and they saw a man sitting on the tattoo chair as a person was tattooing him.

"Been looking for you" Five said and the person turned around causing Five's eyes to widened "Pogo" he said.

"So that's Pogo?" Lara asked and Five nodded "That's him" he said.

Pogo lit up a cigarette before he let out a puff of smoke "I don't tattoo children" he said "Swell, we're not here for the ink" Five said "I'm just here along the ride" Lara said "We're here because we have a mutual friend. Sir Reginald Hargreeves" Five said and Pogo sighed "Whatever he wants, I'm not interested" he said and turned back to the tattoo chair "I don't think you understand, I'm one of his children. From another timeline" Five said and a few bikers started taking some steps closer to Lara and Five while the sound chains rattling was heard.

Pogo turned around to look at them again "Another timeline?" he asked before he chuckled and the two took a quick glance around to see that the birkers started to surround them.

"And the girl is what ? Your sister?" Pogo asked "Gross" Lara said "My girlfriend" Five replied and Pogo let out another chuckled.

"As crazy as it sounds, we have met before. Back in 1963 when you were a diaper-wearing chimp in dire need of a manicure. I don't know if you remember, but I have a scar to prove it" Five said and pulled down his collar a little bit to reveal the three scratch marks 

"If what you are saying is true, I'd be talking to a man and a woman well into their sixties" Pogo said "We are older than you think" Lara said "Now, if you two excuse me, I've had a very long day" Pogo said and turned around to leave.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now