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Flashback start...

A few days have passed since Lara hooked up with Will, all he have left her was a piece of paper with numbers, probably his phone number but she haven't called him. He was just a hookup, that was what she told herself, but he kept appearing in her mind.

The way he stared at her, his body against hers, his scent, his voice, his touch. She think it was weird that she kept thinking about him, it was supposed to just be a hookup and nothing else. But it was like a part of her was attached to him.

"Hey, mind if I invite you on a drink?" a voice suddenly asked which 'cause Lara to snapped out of her thoughts to see a man sitting by the counter.

"I'm sorry, but no, I'm working" Lara said and the guy nodded before leaving.

"What the hell was that?" a female voice asked and Lara looked to the left to see her friend Jasmine "What do you mean?" she asked "Every time a guy offer you a drink, you always say yes, and then hookup with them after" Jasmine said "Yeah, so?" Lara asked "So you didn't now" Jasmine said "I don't know what is wrong with me, I just don't have had the joy and need for a hookup" Lara said "Has this something to do with that Will guy, that was here a few days ago?" Jasmine asked "I don't know what is wrong, it used to be just a hookup and then I never even give the guy a thought, but I can't get him out of my head" Lara said "Then he must be something, he must be a hell of a guy to get Lara Johnson to think about him" Jasmine said.

"It is wrong that I actually want to see him again?" Lara asked "Nope, it's actually isn't, and I think you should call him" Jasmine said before she walked away to deliver some drinks.

Lara took a deep breath as she pulled up her phone before pulling up the piece of paper which she shouldn't have kept but thrown out.

She put the phone to her ear after she have dialed the number and she waited for someone to answer.

But nobody answer and Lara tried to call again but still no answer.

"Maybe he is busy" Lara said before she went back to work.

All day she was waiting for Will to call back but nothing.


For the next few days Lara waited for Will to call back but nothing so she give up in ever contacting him again, he have probably already forgetting her, so she was going to do the same.

"Hello beautiful" a voice said and Lara looked over to see a man with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello" she said with a smile "What do you say that the two of us get out of here?" he asked "I like that" she said and the two smiled to each other.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now