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Herb and Dot appeared on the field and they looked around as they saw all the agents laying on the ground "Yowza" Herb said "I should've brought my parka" Dot said "Yeah" Herb said as the two started walking forward.

"Oh, wow. Excuse me, pardon me" Herb said as they stepped over the bodies "Ooh--" Dot said "Watch your step" Herb said.

"Herb. Dot" Five said as him and Diego approach the two.

"Hi" they both said as they stepped closer to them, trying to step over all the bodies that were scattered out around the field while they apologizing to them.

"Sup, Herbie?" Diego said as the two stopped in front of Dot and Herb.

"Hey my man" Herb said before him and Diego gave each other a handshake.

"Good you see you guys" Five said as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I can't believe it. Is she...?" Herb asked "Really dead this time?" Five said as he know that he was referring to The Handler "Oh, yeah" Diego said "Oh" Herb whispered.

"Now that The Handler's gone what happens at The Commission?" Five asked "Eh" Herb said and Dot looked down at him causing him to turn to her "Just tell them" she said "We need to elect a new board of directors. But, until then, I, um...I've been voted in as acting chairperson" Herb said.

"No shit. Congrats, Herbie. That's huge" Diego said "I'm so goddamn nervous" Herb said "You'll do fine." Five said "Oh, thank you" Herb said.

"Herb, we need a favor" Five said "Oh, sure, anything" Herb said "A briefcase. Get us back home, where we belong" Five said and they looked at all the briefcases that was laying around the field "Take your pick" Herb said.


Vanya stepped into the house "Sissy" she called out "We gotta get Harlan packed" she said.

Sissy was sitting on Harlan's bed stroking her son down his cheek as he was asleep on the bed.

Vanya opened the door to the room "Hey" she said and Sissy looked up at her "The sooner we leave, the safer it is for everyone, and we can figure out the next steps from there" Vanya said as she enter the room.

Sissy let out a sigh before he leaned forward "We can't go with you" she said "Why not?" Vanya asked as she sat down on the bed next to her.

"To the future?" Sissy said, her voice trembles "Vanya, that's crazy talk. I mean, what would that even look like?" she asked "Well, we could be a family. I mean, just the three of us" Vanya said as she put her hand on Sissy's knee "We could have a whole life together" she said "What about Harlan? What if something happens to him? And what if we're separated?" Sissy asked and Vanya looked at Harlan.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now