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Flashback start...

As Will told her, Lara received no communication from him over the next week and a half. 

Lara haven't really realized at the time but since Will enter her life and she became involved with him, she had shut out every other guy in her life. Every time a guy tried to flirt with her, Lara would always reject them, saying she had a boyfriend, even so her and Will was not even in a relationship. 

After the time has past, Lara waited for Will to text or call her or show up where she work like he sometimes do but nothing, and after two weeks have past since she last saw him, Lara began to think that he stood her up and have probably forgot all about her. 

But after 15 days since she last saw him, her phone vibrated, telling her that she have gotten a text.

She looked at her phone to see that Will have texted her asking if she was home.

She typed yes and only 10 seconds later there was a knock on the door.

Lara made her way to the door, checking the peephole to see who it was and it was Will, leaned against the door frame in his black suit, jacket slung over his shoulder. 

She opened the door with a smile "Hey" he said "Hey. Come on in" she step aside.

He walked in and she closed the door behind him before walking into the living room.

"Sorry, I just dropped in. I just got back and thought I'd see if you were still up" he said "I am" you said.

He gave her that smile that usually mader her melt as he threw his jacket on the chair and loosened his tie, acting like he was getting home from a hard and long day at work. 

"You look beautiful as usual" he said "Stop that" she said a little aggressive "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You. Pretending that everything is normal. Like there isn't any problem" she said "Is there a problem?" he asked and she let out a scoff "I can't believe it. What's wrong with you?" she asked "I don't understand" he said.

"You can't just keep coming and going, showing up whenever you please, acting genuinely interested in me and then disappear with no explanation. You haven't told me anything about you. Where you live or what you do for a living. Everytime I ask you. You shut me down. You lash out anytime I ask a question you don't like. But then you keep showing up, inserting yourself into my life. It's just confusing" she said.

"Wasn't what that was supposed to be. Isn't what you wanted? No bond, just hook-ups?" he asked "Yeah, I know that. And it was, but lately, I don't know, I like having you around. And not just having sex. I like spending time with you" she said.

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