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Flashback start...

Lara woke up to the morning sun shining into the room. She turned around to see that the spot next to her was empty which cause her to look around, looking for Will.

"Will" she said as she looked around but he was not in the bedroom and she let out a sigh as she lay her back against the sheet again, thinking that Will was gone.

But then the door opened and she saw Will walking in, holding a tray with some breakfast and two cup of coffee.

"Sorry, I thought you were still asleep" he said as she sat up "I made breakfast" he said "I thought you have left" she said "Never" he said.

He walked over to his side before he put the tray between them "You made breakfast" she said "Don't act all that surprised" he said "I just didn't know you could cook" she said "Well, it seems there is a lot about me you don't know" he said before smiling and she smiled.

Flashback ends...

Both Mitch and Andy entered the Academy, both of them have being lucky that their class was cancelled, so they decided to use that spare time to get to the Academy, both to help but also to see if Five was okay who actually started growing on them and just like Five, they felt a connected to him as well.

"Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bakey!" Klaus called out while he was ringing a bell as he came walking down the stairs.

But then he stopped when he saw Mitch and Andy "Yo kids, you two are here" he said "Yeah, our classes got cancelled so we decided to come here since we still have a world to save" Andy said "And also to see if Five is okay" Mitch said "He is fine. He is probably getting dress. Come have breakfast with us" Klaus said "Why? You guys don't know us and we don't know you all that well" Andy said "Well, you two are part of the family" Klaus said "How?" Mitch asked "You are like us and since Five seems to care about you two, you are welcome here, so come on" Klaus said and the twins glanced at each other before they followed after Klaus to the kitchen.


Luther was sitting by the table in the kitchen when the twins entered and Klaus started making some coffee.

Luther had a hood over his head and he looked embarrassed as he was sitting with huge hangover as Klaus was pouring coffee up the in the mugs while having a big smile on his faces.

He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"What is wrong with him?" Andy asked as he sat by the table while he pointed on Luther 

The twins saw how Luther looked like he had hangover and he looked really embarrassed.

 "Well. Luther has huge hangover and he was also doing some dilly-dallying. He popped his cherry!" Klaus said causing your eyes to widened "Klaus" Luther snapped at him "What?" Klaus asked.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now