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Lila kicked the door opened at the other end of the passage before she and Ben entered.

"Let's never do that again" Viktor said as he was panting "I agree with you there, my friend" Andy said "What, narrowly escapes the apocalypse?" Five asked sarcastically "For the third time" Mitch said.

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it" Diego said as he scanned the room while Lila poked her head out into the hallways, checking for the guardian.

"There's something very wrong about that" Allison said as she was looking at the buffalo's ass which hung up on the wall.

"Same suit, just ass-backaward" Lila said "No hyperbole there" Five said "This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit" Ben said as he lightly played with the tail "Yeah, it only gets weirder" Diego said.

Then Reginald came through the passage before he closed the door to the tunnel "At last, on the other side" he said out of breath as he stood with his back up against the door.

"Wait. Where's Klaus?" Viktor asked "Children, I'm sorry, but your brother...I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim" Reginald said.

"No, he was right behind me when I enter the tunnel" Five said "We need to go back" Sloane said as she took a step towards Reginald.

"She is right, we need to go back" Five said as both him, Mitch and Andy had tears in their eyes.

"There's nothing to go back to" Reginald said "We can't just leave our mom there" Mitch said "He is right, we can't just leave them there. Lara needs me, she needs us" Five said as he let out a sob. 

"Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving" Reginald said before walking out of the room.

"Wait. Luther. Lara and now Klaus?" Viktor asked and the siblings all looked down, mourning over the death of three members of their family.

Tears felled from Five's eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair.

But he took a deep breath before he walked over to his sons and wrapped his arms around them, pulling them into a hug as the three were sobbing while crying.


 Lara, Klaus and Luther was sitting on a chair each in a small living room area that was in a desert.

The three was watching TV while eating pizza.

"When we see reality, what do we really mean? In the 1800s, the bets minds of the age theorized we live in a clockwork cosmos. In the quantum Age, time and space are suspected to be a holograph. Ancient people believed we rode on the back of four flying turtles or on the horns of white buffalo. These ideas beg the question, will we ever know the shape of reality? Or, odder still, does it have a shape other than the one we give it?" the man in the Tv said. 

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