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Flashback start...

After being discharged from the hospital, Lara spend some time at her old apartment, trying to text and call Will, but he never answered the text and his phone went straight to his voice mail.

"Okay, you know what. I'm tired of this. I'm pregnant and you are the father, so you can't just do this to me. Please Will. I need you. The child need its father, please Will. I love you. So I just want you to know that. It's okay if you don't love me back but the child deserve to know who its father is. I'm moving to another city next month, got offered a job there and I just want to tell you 'cause I hope that you at least call me" Lara said before ending the call.

But then suddenly it knock on the door and Lara smiled, thinking it would be Will.

But when she opened the door she was meet with a woman that had short white hair.

"Hello" she said with a smile "Who are you?" Lara asked "You are Lizzy right?" the woman asked and Lara nodded "And you are?" she asked "I'm Will's wife" the woman said and Lara's eyes widened.

"By the look on your face I can see that you didn't know he was married" the woman said "No" Lara said "Well, he is and we are very happy" the woman said "He never mention you at all" Lara said "Well, we got into a fight and were separated for some times. But last weeks, we made it up again" the woman said "Is he okay?" Lara asked and the woman nodded "He is. He got your messages and he sent me to tell you that he want nothing to with you or that thing that's inside you" the woman said and Lara raise a brow.

"But he--" "Yeah, he is like that. You were nothing but a meaningless hookups he needed" the woman said and tears started showing in Lara's eyes "But I thought--" "You thought wrong. I'm sorry honey, but that just how Will is. He didn't want to come 'cause he couldn't even look at you and he ask me to tell you that he also want nothing to do with that brat that you are carrying" the woman said "'Brat?" Lara asked "His words not mine. He think the best you can do is forget about him 'cause he have forgotten about you and get rid of that brat you are carrying is a good start" the woman said and tears was show in Lara's eyes. 

"I'm sorry girl, I'm sorry that he was able to trick you" the woman said.

Lara didn't answer as she just closed the door which cause the woman to smile.

"Well, that was easy" she said before she turned around and left.

Tears ran down Lara's eyes as she leaned her back against the close door before she slid down, crying.

Just when she thought she have found the one, she was fooled. She couldn't believe that she was trick, she was played and fooled with. Will was just like all the other guys, using her and then throw her away like she don't mean a thing to them.

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