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Lara, Five, Mitch, Andy and the others all walked out of the elevator to see how beautiful the ballroom was made.

"Not sure this place is gonna be big enough" Klaus said "This better be an open bar" Allison said "Hey, come on. It's for Luther. Let's perk up" Lila said.

The sound of a bell ding was heard and the elevator door opened before Luther and Viktor stepped out.

"I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good" Luther said to Viktor "Ah, I see you've gone for the oversized button-down. Original" Allison said to Viktor as she had her elbow leaned against the bar next to the elevator "You do realize there no paparazzi here, right?" Viktor said "What? Dang it" Allison said sarcastic while Luther stepped between them.

"Listen to me, you two. This is my day, all right? So if you two can juts get along for a couple of hours, you can consider that my wedding gift" Luther said to them "Well, he started it, so--" Allison said "You literally just started it" Viktor said "Literally?" Allison asked.

"Bah, bah, bah. My day. Two hours. Do you think you can manage that?" Luther asked them "Yeah, fine" Viktor said "Thank you" Luther said.

Then a bell ding and Lila gasp as they saw Sloane walking out of the elevator.

She was wearing a white dress and was holding a bouquet of flowers.

Luther and Sloane was captivated by one another, desiring to spend the rest of their life together.

"Let's get this over with before I die of cringe" Ben said, ruining the moment.

Everyone took their place outside on the veranda on the balcony where the ceremony would be held.

Lila was Sloane's bridesmaid so she were standing behind Sloane.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh?" Klaus said as he was the one who officiates the ceremony.

Lara and Five was sitting next to each other together with their sons at the back at the alter.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh?" Klaus said as he was the one who officiates the ceremony.

"'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen?" Klaus said "Amen" they all said before cheering while Diego whistled.

"Luther, do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?" Klaus asked "I do" Luther said as he took Sloane's hand "Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next 24 to 48 hours?" Klaus asked "I do" Sloane said "Give or take a day" Five said and Klaus shushed him which Mitch and Andy chuckled.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now