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Diego have followed after Stan "Stan" he said before he whistled as he followed after him down the hallway.

"Stanley" he said again and Stan stopped before Diego walked up to him to see what he was holding.

"What is all this?" he asked as he grabbed something out of his hands "Acid?" he asked confused "Well, um, you told me to clean up my own mess. I just have to thank you for teaching me such a valuable lesson in personal responsibility" Stan said "Yeah, I'm not buying that. What's going on?" Diego asked but then he spotted blood on Stan's arm "You got blood on you. Come on, talk to me" he said before he bent down so he was in eye level with him "Hey, I'm your dad" he said "Um...Okay. But you gotta promise you won't be pissed" Stan said.


Stan and Diego entered the White Buffalo Suit to see Klaus laying dead with his eyes opened on the white blanket.

Diego bent down and closed Klaus's eyes "What did you do?" he asked Stan "Nothing" Stan answered and Diego looked at him before he got up and he grabbed his collar, pulling him closer "Do not lie to me. This is my brother" he said aggressive and Stan started breathing rapidly "Tell me what you did" Diego said "We were just messing around, and it was fine. Until the gun went off" Stan said and Diego looked at the cleaning supplies and acid.

"And you were gonna dissolve the body?!" Diego asked almost yelling as he looked at Stan "I didn't know what else to do, okay? You were gonna hate me, and I'd have to go to prison, join a gang for protection, and end up in the hole!" Stan said as he started sobbing.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey" Diego said as she put his hands on Stan's cheeks "I don't hate you. I just...can't believe it, okay?" he said before he looked at the body "All the stupid shit Klaus used to do. I used to think he could survive anything and now he's dead" he said "I'm really, really sorry" Stan said as he wrapped his arms around Diego before he started crying "Me too, kid" Diego said and wrapped his arms Stan.

"Come on and help me wrap up your uncle in the carpet" Diego said.


Light jazz music was playing in the background as Five lead his family minus, Stan, Diego and Klaus over to the bar.

Viktor, Lila and Luther was sitting by the front of the counter while Allison was standing by the counter.

Five was standing in the bar while he was giving them except Mitch and Andy a glass short each.

Lara was about to grab the bottle of alcohol but then Five grabbed it "Hey" she said "No, remember" he said as he took a quick glance at belly and Lara nodded.

Then Mitch and Andy was about to grab a shot glass each but Lara and Five grabbed the glass "Hey" they said "You boys are too young to be drink" Lara said and the twins let out a scoff before Five started explaining about the Kugelblitz.

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