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Diego was walking down the hallway to try and find the Infinite Switchboard.

He stopped once he saw a door with a red sign on.



Diego opened the door before he enter so see infinite Switchboard with small screens on the walls.

"Bingo, the Infinite Switchboard" he said before he walked over to one of the small screens.

"All right" he said as he sat down on chair in front of the screen "How hard can this be?" he asked himself as he had no idea how it work.

He grabbed a wire before he put one in one of the holes in the wall causing the switchboard to say a whirring sound. Then he grabbed another wire before putting in one of the other empty holes causing the console to say a beeping sound and he got a electric shock causing him to roll back in his chair as he let out a shout and a groan.

Then suddenly a hand was put on his shoulder causing Diego to turn around before he pull out his knife and put it on the man's throat.

"Oh! Please don't hurt me" the small man said while panting "Who the hell are you?" Diego asked "I'm Herb. I'm an analyst" the man said "I'm Diego. I have a knife" Diego said "Yes, I can see. It's very shiny" Herb said as he let out a loudly gulps and Diego removed the knife.

"Oh" Herb said as he inhale sharply "Breathe" Diego said and Herb let out a small smile "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Hargreeves" he said "You know me?" Diego asked "Everybody knows you. I mean, you're Number Two. You're a legend" Herb said "Really?" Diego asked "Mr. Hargreeves, you can't be here" Herb said "Herb, is that any way to talk to a legend?" Diego asked and Herb shook his head.

"You know how to work this puppy?" Diego asked "I'm certified to operate the ISB, yes" Herb answered "Good. I need you to look up a date: November 22, 1963, the assassination of John F. Kennedy" Diego said "Unauthorized use of the infinite Switchboard is clear violation of company protocol 67D--" "Don't be such a tight-ass" Diego said, cutting Herb off "You don't understand. Theres' been a coup d'état" Herb said "What's that? Cadillac?" Diego asked "No. The Handler has taken over The Commission. The whole place has gone to heck in a handbasket, and people are disappearing. They would kill us both if they caught us in here" Herb said "Well, you better get started before they come get us" Diego said "One quick look, and then you gotta go" Herb said "My man" Diego said before he rolled away.

"Okay" Herb said as he stepped closer to the Switchboard "Oh, no. Why would you...No, no. Bad" he said as he pulled the wire that Diego had put in the holes out causing the switchboard to power down.

"Don't hurt the timeline. That's a rule..." Herb said as he put a wire in the hole before he put another wire in another hole causing the Switchboard to power up and the machine to say a whirring sound.

"This one connects to that one..." he said as he put the wires in the holes.

When he was done he turn on a button "Here we go" he said and Diego moved closer to the screen that show the date and year "Dalls. November 22, 1963" Herb said as they saw the president driving through Dallas.

"This is it. This is right before the assassination" Diego said "Assassination?" Herb asked "Pay attention. The president is about to turn into Dealey Plaza. One more turn into Elm and they're gonna stat shooting" Diego said as they watch the scene.

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