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The next morning, Mitch, Lara and Andy followed Five inside a building.

"Tell me who this guy is again?" Lara asked "Just some guy that is helping me with this. His name is Elliott. He is harmless" Five said as the three follow Five up the stairs.

"Elliott" Five said as Elliott was sitting by one of the desks "Guys, this is Elliott. Elliott this is the twins Andy and Mitch. And their mom Lara" Five said as he introduced them to each other.

"I'm glad you found your girlfriend" Elliott said which cause the four's eyes to widened "NOO" Lara and Five snapped "We are not together" Five said "And we never will be and also the kids are mine not his" Lara said "Oh sorry I just thought..." "Yeah don't think" Lara said before she walked farther into the living room "Come on, let's me catch you three up" Five said.


"Elliott, did you develop these photos yourself?" Five asked as he was looking at the at the photos of the others while Elliott was eating some oatmeal "Of course. Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighborhood Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere" Elliott said as he was eating some oatmeal while Five picked up the tape.

"I didn't see a darkroom" Five said as he turned around to look at Elliott "Yeah, I converted the hallway closet" Elliott said and pointed towards the hallway while Five picked up a black pen and scribbled out the date above the title of the tape making a squealing feedback sound as he stepped closer to Elliott who was messing with the knobs.

"Can you develop this?" he asked, showing the tape to Elliott "Hmm" Elliott said as he turned to Five before he grabbed the tape with his free hand and flipped it over, to read the back "Huh' Frankel Footage' Friends of your?" Elliott asked "Cousins on my robot mother's side" Five answered "Can you do it or not?" he asked.

"Sure I can" Elliott answered "How long?" Andy asked "Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid" Elliott said as he turned around, taking some slowly steps "Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two miles away" he said as he was moving his head "I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut through the park, and there's pigeons--" "Elliott" Five said, cutting him off, telling him to get to the point. "It's like five, maybe six hours" Elliott said.

Then a voice came over the radio "Attention all units, we hav a code 3-15 at the Holbrook Sanitarium" the man over the radio said and the two turned to the radio "The hell is a code 3-15?" Five asked "Fugitives on the run" Lara replied which cause Five to look at her "How do you know?" he asked "My dad was a cop" she said as she looked at him "Beside, now when my boys and I are dragged into this, we might as well help" she said as she got up from the couch before the five walked over to the radio and Five turned up the volume.

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