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The plan to save the universe hadn't worked and instead it had speed up the end of everything.

Fei and Christopher had being lost to the Kugelblitz and Five and Andy had risked their own life to save Ben before they were also lost to the Kugelblitz.

The Kugelblitz have grown so big that it have absorbing everything.

Lucky, the Hotel Obsidian was still standing, so they all have settled down there to think about what to do now.

Five were standing by the railing thinking while Sloane and Luther was sitting on a couch leaned up at each other as Viktor and Lila was sitting on the a chair each.

Viktor was sitting normal on the chair while Lila was sitting upside down while both Mitch and Andy had their back laying on the small coffee table that was in the middle of the two chairs and the couch and Lara was sitting on a chair next to Viktor.

"So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" Allison asked "Maybe we're the last to get flushed" Viktor said "Wasn't talking to you" Allison said to him as she crossed her arms over her chest while looking away from him.

"Hey, has anyone seen Klaus?" Luther asked "Or Dad" Sloane said.

"They'll be there" Diego said "Really? Did they...hit traffic?" Ben asked sarcastically and Diego looked at him as Ben turned to face the others "Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe" he said.

"Uh, question" Allison said as she raised her hand "Yes" Ben said as he turned to her "Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?" she asked "Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid" Diego said as he pointed at Ben "Mm" Allison said.¨

"I got a better one" Diego said "'Course you do" Ben said annoyed "We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator. You guys do some science, and..." Diego said and clicked his tongue while he mimicked a bat hitting a ball "...we launch the Kugelblitz into outer space. Didn't think I knew that, did ya?" he finished as Lila sat up in the chair before Diego looked at Ben "It's in Switzerland" he said "It's 'hadron' not 'hard-on'ya moron!" Ben shouted "Oi!" Lila shouted and Ben looked at her "At least he's trying you shitty little squid. What have you contributed?" she asked.

"Actually, he did blow up half his family" Diego said as he pointed at Ben "Oh, you wanna talk about family problems?" Ben asked as he walked towards Diego "You know what should have blown up is your face on that neck!" he shouted "I wish I had a cake to hit you with it in your face!" Diego said as they were inches from each other.

"What are you talking about?" Ben said in Korean "You better cut that out..." Diego said in Spanish "Shut up" Ben said in Korean as they both continued to argue in their native language causing the others to roll their eyes.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now