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Flashback start...

The next two months that followed, Lara and Will spend more and more time together. It went from random hook-ups to an acquaintance friendship.

They began talking more before and after having sex. For some strange reason they both found it easy to talk to each other. But Lara have still not told him her real name and he have not told her anything about him, not his last name, where he lived or what he was doing for a living.

The two would meet four or five days a week. They would meet at the bar where Lara work, and Will would sit by the counter or over in the corner of the bar, watching her while waiting for her swift to end.

Then they would have some dinner and drinks, but more often they just stayed at Lara's place, drinking, enjoying each other's company and then have sex. 

The first few times Will would take the domination but after that, he would left her take over the domination, but he never let her be the dominant one for a whole round.

Lara think that Will was actually thoughtful and respectful towards her, but there was time he could be mean or dismissive. Lara would text him and he would text back saying that he couldn't tonight, 'cause he had work. Lara never even knew where he work or what kind of job he had. She have asked him a few times, but he always rejected that question. Saying that she wouldn't understand and it was not her bushiness.

Will was usually serious and void of humor, but there was time when she could get him to let his guard down and even get him to laugh.


Both Lara and Will let out a gasp as Will slowly pulled out of her before he rolled off her and onto the bed both sweating, gasping and panting, trying to catch their breath.

"I gotta say, you are on fire" Lara said "You are not that bad yourself" he said "I will take that as a compliment" she said.

Will then got up before walking out of the bedroom. 

He came back a minute later with two glass with wine and gave one to Lara before going to his side of the bed and sat down next to her.

They both sat there, sipping the liquid while the sheets was tangled around them. 

If Will didn't started to get dressed yet, Lara knew that he was gearing his breath and energy for another round.

"Have you heard about the Umbrella Academy?" Lara suddenly asked as she put her wine glass by the nightstand next to her while Will snapped his head at her.

"Yeah, I have heard about them" he said "They have become pretty famous" she said "They have, crime fighter superhero group" he said "It's must be amazing to be part of something that big" she said "I don't think they are that amazing" he said "Do you think they want to be part of this?" she asked "I actually don't know" he said "Well, I remember one of them, Number Five I think it was, that he ran away and never came back, just disappeared like that" she said "Maybe he wanted to try out his powers" he said "But he was too young to do that" she said "Maybe he was too stubborn and just did it and something went wrong" he said "Why would he even run away from a place like that" she said "Maybe others don't know what's really going on inside the Academy" he said. 

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