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"So how are you kids being doing?" Five asked the twins as the three were sitting on a chair each in front of a table in a visit room in the psych ward, waiting for Diego to be brought to them.

"We have being good. Our mom is working, we are in school, even so it's so boring, the stuff we are learning, have we already learn, but it was rather that than getting bored to death" Andy said "How is your mom doing?" Five asked which cause the twins to look at him "Do you like our mom?" they asked "What, no. I just wanted to know. She is your mom and it would be terrible if you lost her" Five said.

"Well, she is doing good. She is piss at you" Mitch said "I don't blame her. I'm just glad that you kids are okay" Five said.

"Five. Mitch. Andy" Diego said as he walked into a visit room in the psych ward to see Five and the twins sitting by the table.

"Hey. Diego" Five said "Nice to see you two again" Diego said as he looked at the twins before he pulled the empty chair across from Five and sat down on it "Nice to see you too" Mitch said "We should have figure this out. Of course you were here" Andy said.

"You look good in white" Five said, looking at his white clothes "About time you showed up" Diego said "How'd you know I'd be back?" Five asked "Because that's the kind of shit you pull" Diego said angrily as he leaned forward.

"Where are the others?" Five asked "They're not with you three?" Diego asked "We'll find them" Five muttered quietly.

"How long have you been here?" he asked "Seventy-five days" Diego answered and Five grunted softly "Landed in the alley behind..."

"Commerce and Knox" Diego and Five said at the same time and Diego looked at him "You?" he asked "I got here yesterday" Five answered and Diego looked at Mitch and Andy "How long were you two here?" he asked "Over a year" Mitch answered

"How'd you find me?" Diego asked and Five let out a gentle scoff before he pulled up the article "Page 16" he said before he unfolded the article while Diego leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes.

Five put the article on the table before he began reading from it "'Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley'" he read before he slid the article towards Diego "Isn't that Lee Harvey Oswald's house?" Mitch asked "It is" Andy said "Why are you two helping him with interrogations?" Diego asked and the twins rolled their eyes.

"Care to explain?" Five asked as he leaned forward.

"Let's just say. Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of..." Diego started before he looked back up at Five "John F. Kennedy" he said quietly.

"Because it hasn't happened yet" Five said and Diego leaned forward "And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch. Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two, and I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word" Diego said.

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