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Mitch, Andy and Lara heard Diego shouting for help, so they ran over to him who was laying on the ground with a tractor on his feet.

"What took you so long?" Diego asked as they all came over to him "Well, we're here now. Do you wanna stop complaining?" Luther said "Or we could just leave you here" Klaus said "What he said" Allison said "Does everything in this family have to be a discussion?" Lara asked.

Luther lifted the tractor without Klaus' and Allison' s help and Diego crawled away "Go, go, go, go!" Allison said as she help Diego pull his foot out.

"Are you out?" Luther asked "Yeah!" Diego said and Luther let out a grunt as he put the tractor down.

Diego got to his feet before he turned to Luther "Team Zero! Unstoppable" Diego said "All right" Luther said as him and Diego highfive but they both failed as Diego did a highfive and Luther did a fist bump.

Diego let out a sharply exhales as he shook his hand in pain after the failed highfive "Uh..." Luther said.

"Okay, has anyone see Five?" Allison asked "He is fighting Lila" Mitch said.

"By the way, your ex-girlfriend can blink like Five" Luther said as he looked at Diego "Yeah, that bitch just rumored me so I couldn't breathe" Allison said "And destroyed, like, half the farm with a shock wave. So unoriginal" Klaus said "If she can do everything we can, she might as well just be one of us" Vanya said and Luther chuckled "Yeah" he said as he pointed at Vanya, but his smile fell just as quickly at it appeared, realising what Vanya just said.

All the siblings' faces twisted with confusing and disbelief.

"Lila can mimic another people's superpowers and then used them herself which mean that she is like you guys. Born on the same day and with the same speciale abilities" Andy said. 

"No. No, there's no way. It can't be" Luther said "It's a reasonable conclusion" Allison said "Eh, but there were only seven of us" Klaus said "Maybe we need to consider that there's more out there" Vanya said "Are we surprised? I mean dad never told us the whole truth about anything" Allison said "Andy and I are like you guys but we are not related to you in any way" Mitch said.

 "But she's not our biological sister...right?" Diego asked and they all shared a look.

"None of you are biological siblings" Lara said "Otherwise two people in this family, I'm not mention names, but their relationship would be gross" Andy said and Luther and Allison gave him a look.

"Okay, so, if she can mirror our powers, that means anything we throw at her, she can match, right?" Luther asked "Yeah, but she can only mirror one of our powers at a time" Klaus said "Are you sure about that?" Allison asked.


Five appeared in the barn and as Lila appeared in front of him, she was ready to throw the pan at him but he blinked again.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now