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"'Home'? This isn't your home" Reginald said "What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy" Allison said "Wrong again. This is the Sparrow Academy" Reginald said before looking up at the Sparrows who stopped by the middle of the balcony.

At the sound of echo footsteps approaching from upstairs was heard from behind them made them all turn around and they saw in front of a circular window stood five people and a grey cube that was floating next to them.

The five people was looking down at them all from the balcony.

Diego pulled out his knife in defense, ready for a fight while Five and Lara push Mitch and Andy behind them before Five went in front of his girlfriend and sons to protect them.

"Dad, I didn't knew you could travel through different realities" Mitch whispered to Five "I can't" he whispered back "What the hell have you screw up now dad?" Andy asked "I don't know" Five said.

Reginald looked at Mitch and Andy before smiling "They are back. I knew they would come home" he whispered before smiling evil as he glance at the twins, still sensing great power in them.

"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" a voice asked and the siblings took their attention away from the people on the balcony to see a man walking out from the side.

Five's and his sibling's eyes widened when they saw it was their brother Ben who was alive.

But he didn't look like the old Ben. His hair was different and he had an almost invisible scar on his face right under his left eye by his cheek.

They all froze in shock "Shit" they said as they realised that they had screwed something up when they travelled back from 1963 to 2019.

For the first Reginald was alive, another group of people name The Sparrow was living in their house, and their dead brother Ben was alive.

Lara, Mitch and Andy watched as every single Hargreeves tried to process what has happening, why there was another group in their place, why their home was no longer their home. They have screwed it up and they knew it.

"Ben" Klaus said softly with a smile and Ben looked at him while Luther walked up in front of the the others "Is that really you?" he asked and Ben looked at him.

"Wasn't he dead, he look pretty much alive to me" Mitch asked "So you really have screw something up dad. Again" Andy said.

"And who are the weirdoes on the balcony?" Diego shouted as he was looking at The Sparrows that were standing by the balcony, looking down at them.

"They are the Sparrows. My children" Reginald said proudly and the sound of rumbling was heard as the place shook a little bit while energy twinkling was heard.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now