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While Mitch and Andy were still by that tree stump. Lara and Five was sitting on the car's hood, Lara was sitting between his legs as she had her back rested against Five's chest.

Five had his chin rested on Lara's head as he was stroking his hand slowly through her hair.

He kept his eyes on her with his heat beating fast and she could feel him melting in her touch.

This guy who acted all tough and a jerk to others, yet when he is around her and their kids, he acted more like a lost child or a lost puppy who wants all her love.

Lara didn't see a stubborn heartless cold irresponsible person, she saw a broken but handsome, kind and soft guy that need to feel loved and that he is enough.

She think that it was funny, that Five could be an asshole to others, but to her and the twins, he was sweet and kind, he was the guy that stole her heart, just like she stole his.

"You know that you are my strength, my motivation, my future and my other half" she said "I think ofte of you whenever tomorrows comes, you're my hope, my light, my happiness, my future, my home, my other and better half, my one and only, my world, my tomorrow and my everything" he said as she was laying between his legs while she had her back rested against his chest.

Five was more than happy, the apocalypse was over, he couldn't sense any danger coming their way. Which mean that he could retire, and live a wonderful, long, peaceful, and beautiful life with his girlfriend Lara and their sons. And yeah Five had missed 14 years of the kids life but now he had all the time in the world to made it up.

Lara was also happy, she have found the twins father and the guy that stole her heart and the two can spend the rest of their lives together.

Five have gotten everything he always wanted but never thought he could have.

He had found love and someone who love all of him even the parts he struggle to love himself. And now he also had two kids and his long lost love is with him again with their kids. He couldn't be more happy.

Five was ready to live a normal, peaceful, beautiful, happy and long life with Lara and the twins, make it up for all the years he have missed.

Five then looked out on the field at the twins who had not moved.

"Are they always like that?" he asked "Give them time Five. They just need to get used to having a dad in their life" Lara said and Five's face fell "I have missed so much" he said with the sound of guilt in his voice "I just wish I could turn back time and travel back to the time where you were pregnant or when they were born, so I could have being there from day one" Five said with a sigh.

Five wanted to learn about the twins more, he want to spend more time with them, make up for all the years he have missed. He wanted to teach them how to drive a car, how to control their powers and all other stuff that a dad is supposed to teach their son.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now