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Lara and Five cheered their glass together before they leaned closer to each other.

But then the elevator door opened and Reginald entered the room causing everyone to look at him.

Five noticed as Reginald walked past their table, he glanced at Mitch and Andy, and Five didn't like that at all.

Reginald as he walked over to the buffet and began taking some food on his plate.

When Reginald had put some grapes on his plate he turned around.

"He better not sit here. Swear to God, he better not sit here" Diego said as Reginald walked past their table "Yeah, keep walking" Diego said.

"Who invited him?" Ben asked "Just suffer with us" Allison said "I can't get invited to a party and he's invited to this?" Ben said "Wow. You really can't relax" Allison said to Ben and Reginald sat down by an empty table.

"Now we're all here" Klaus said as Reginald started eating the grapes with a fork.

Reginald glanced at each of you while you glanced at him.

"Psst" Klaus said and Reginald looked at him and Klaus pointed at him from across the room and gestured for him to smile and he nodded before he did while looking around at the others.

Reginald smiled as Chet took a picture of him before walking away.

"Is he eating a deviled egg with a knife and fork?" Lila asked "That's sad. That's making me sad" Diego said.

"You're introducing me" Lila said and Diego shook his head "Now. Come" she said "No, I'm not. No, I'm not--" but she grabbed his hand as she got up "Go, go!" Klaus said to them as they started walking towards Reginald "Do you seriously want me--" "Yeah, come on. Do I look okay?" Lila asked "Yeah, you look good" Diego said to her as they approach Reginald who got up.

"Dad, Lila" Diego said and looked at Lila "Lila, Sir Reginald Hargreeves" Diego said to her "Mr. Hargreeves, what a pleasure" she said "Is that the trace of an East End accent I detect?" Reginald asked as he heard Lila's English accent.

"Good ear" she said "Mine was stamped out in favor of the Queen's. Let me guess. Spitalfields?" Reginald asked "Close. Whitechapel" Lila said "You must know the Cat and Custard" Reginald said "Next to the Fox and Hound" Lila said "Best chippy in East London" Reginald said "I would murder for a spot of mushy peas right about now" Lila said before they both chuckled as they looked back at Diego who look confused.

"So, how did you end up with this one?" Reginald asked Diego "Well, we met in a metal hospital" Lila replied "I have no doubt" Reginald said "Well, he might be a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but he'll do" Lila said with a smile "Indeed" Reginald said and kissed Lila's hand.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now