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On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the ten survivors of the apocalypse were the very people who brought it on.


'15 January  1963'

The sound of energy thrumming was heard as a blue portal appeared above an alley before Mitch and Andy felled out of the blue vortex above them before landing on ground.

Andy got up before he rushed over to his brother "Mitch are you okay?" he asked as he help him up "I'm fine" Mitch said before they both looked up at the vortex above them "MOM" they shouted and suddenly Lara felled through the portal, landing on her feet.

"Mom" the twins said before they rushed over to their mom "Are you okay?" they asked "I'm fine just a little dizzy. What about you two?" she asked "We're fine" they said before the three looked up at the vortex. The energy was whipping around inside of the portal. The energy was whipping around inside of the portal.

"FIVE" Mitch and Andy shouted, hoping that Five and his siblings would fall through the vortex like them.

But instead the vortex zapped shut as it disappeared.

Then there was a quick bright light from the building behind them causing the three to turn towards the building with an eyebrow rise.

But there was nothing, so they turned back towards the opening of the alleyway.

"Come on boys, let's see where the hell that guy took us to" Lara said and the three walked out of the alleyway.

The first they noticed was the few cars that was park around the street and the few people that was walking around.

The people's clothes didn't look they were from 2019 and neither did the cars.

They furrowed their brows, looking around more to scan everything.

"I don't think we are in the 2019 anymore. This more looks like Dallas Texas in the 60's" Lara said as she looked around "Can this get any crazier?" she asked.

"Damn it" Andy said "I guess this wasn't part of your boys' plan?" Lara asked and the twin shook their head "Five was the one that lead, we just combined our powers with him" Andy said "But I don't think this was his plan" Mitch said "That idiot have taking us too far backwards" Lara said "So what do we do?" Mitch asked "Well, the best thing we can do is try to settle down, act like we belong here, and hope that this Five guy show up and when he does I'm gonna slap him across the face again" she said "How are we gonna settle down here?" Mitch asked as both him and Andy was exhausted after using their powers like that. 

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