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Lara was standing in the guestroom when suddenly the door closed behind her which cause her to turn around to look to see Five.

"We need to talk" he said "There is nothing to talk about" she said.

"Okay, what is wrong with you. Before the bar you were ready to help but it was like after we left you acted like you didn't care if I got hurt or not" Five said as he lifted his arms before he lower them again.

"Did I say something or do something to you?" he asked "No" she said as she shook her head "Then what happen?" he asked "I don't want to talk about it. Beside it's not your business" she said "It is, 'cause I was very close in getting killed by my other self" he said "Now you are being dramatic. Beside I don't think it's a good idea you know" she said "Why not?" he asked.

"Listen, just because we slept together doesn't mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend now" she said "I know that. But I care about you" he said "Yeah, right" she said sarcastically.

"What the hell happen to you? You are not like that" he said "You don't know anything about me" she said "That's because you wouldn't let anyone in. I know that someone have broken your heart and therefore you are afraid to get to close to people. That guy, the father of your twins, broke your heart and he is the reason you find it difficult to trust people, but I'm not him" Five said and she let out a chuckled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked "I don't want to talk about it" she said "Why not?" he asked "I don't want to talk about it, just leave me alone okay" she said before she walked towards the door but he put his hand on the door, closing it again.

"Let me out" she said as she glance at him "No, not until you tell me what happen back there" he said "Let me out" she said "No" he said "Move away" she threated "Or else, what are you gonna to do?" he asked as he raise a brow.

Then suddenly she threw a fist at him, hitting him right in the face causing him to let out a grunt before he stumble back, holding his hands to his nose.

"Move away, that was all I ask. Don't treat me like some girl that is obsessed with you or that I'm your sex doll, 'cause I'm not. Just leave me alone. It's not that hard and also stay away from my kids" she said before she walked out of the bedroom.

Five removed his hands from his nose to see blood on his fingers.

Lara walked out of the bedroom before entering the living room to see Mitch and Andy sitting on the couch "Is everything okay mom?" Mitch asked and Lara looked over her shoulder to see Five standing in the bathroom, wiping his bloody nose with some tissue.

The two glance at each other before Lara looked away "Everything is fine. I think we just need to focus on a way of getting home" Lara said.

Five threw the last bloody tissues in the trash before he put his hands on the sink while he looked himself in the mirror. He didn't understand why Lara was acting like that. And he also found it weird that what just happen just got him more attracted and interested in her, and if he has to admit it, he was actually slowly falling in love with her.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now