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Five opened a side door "Exsqueeze me" Lila said as she walked past him and the kids "You're excused" Andy said.

Lila leaned her head closer to a small device on the door and it glow blue before it started beeping as it scan her face causing it to made a beeping sound.

Andy and Mitch could feel that they began sweating more and their body also started itching more and more.

But the alarm said a buzzing sound "We're screwed" Lila said "Unauthorized access" they heard an artificial female voice in the speakers said.

"Oh Shit" Five mumbled under his breath.

"Damn it" Mitch and Andy said at the same time as they began sweating like crazy as they continued to scratch their neck.

"Jesus. What the hell is wrong with you two. You are both sweating like a dodgy shrimp on ice" Lila said as she looked at the twins and Five turned to look at his sons, noticing how much they were sweating.

"Are you two alright?" Five asked "No, we are sweating like crazy" Mitch said "And our bodies keep itching, it's so annoying" Andy said as the two continued to itch their body before letting out a small fart "Jesus, what is wrong with us" Andy said.

 "Guys can one of you scan your face over by the scanner?" Five asked "I can to it" Andy said before he walked over and leaned his head closer to the scanner and it started scanning his face making the device whirs.

When it was done, the device said a chimes sound "Access granted" a voice said over the speaker and the door unlocked.

"I guess your sons is essential personnel" Lila said as the door opened while the three had a confused look at their face.

When the door slid opened they looked at the room.

The bunker was a tilted white room with black floor and it didn't seem destroyed like the rest of The Commission, it seems new.

The whole room was empty.

On the white rug stood a glass coffee table and two red rounds chairs next to it. A teapot and others sort of glass was standing on the table.

"Wow" Lila said before she entered the bunker first "Wicked" Mitch and Andy said at the same time as they looked inside before they both enter while they scratched their neck.

But as soon as they enter, the sweating and itching stopped "It's gone" Mitch said and Five looked at him "The itching and sweating is gone" Andy said and Five had a confused look on his face as he was looking at the door that slide closed.

Lila let out chuckled as she looked around the room before she walked over to some kind of metal machine that was standing in the middle of the room right next to another metal machine. The machines look like containers that could fit a human inside as a ventilator was hissing.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now