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Flashback start...

The following week was bad. Lara's grief was penetrating and she collapsed in on herself. She called in sick to work, staying in bed, clutching the shirt Will had left behind. She couldn't sleep. Breathing in the scent until she fell into a restless sleep. She would drink or cry herself to sleep every night, everything around her reminded her of Will. She started sleeping on the couch, so she didn't have to sleep on the bed 'cause that contained so many memories. 

She knew she couldn't stay home forever, there were bills to pay, so she had to go to work the next day. 

After and before work, Lara have being trying to call Will, but it just went on voice mail.

"Will, please, will you just text me. I'm actually worried about you. Just send a simple text telling me that you are okay" she said to the voice mail.

Jasmine immediately notice the bag under Lara's eyes and her hair was a little messy. 

"Are you okay Lara?" she asked "Yeah, I'm fine, just haven't had the best week" Lara said "If you need to talk I'm here, okay" Jasmine said "I know" Lara said "Remember when we all have a bad day, we just have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and try a little harder, right?" Jasmine said and Lara nodded.

"So what happen?" Jasmine asked "I don't really want to talk about it" Lara said "Broke up with your boyfriend?" Jasmine asked which cause Lara to look at her "He was not my boyfriend" Lara said "Well, that's weird, the way I saw it, it looked like he really was your boyfriends" Jasmine said "Well, we never talk about it" Lara said "Did you have feeling for him?" Jasmine asked and Lara nodded "I think so" she said "Then you should tell him" Jasmine said "Something happen last time we were together, so I don't think I will ever see him again" Lara said "Do you want to talk?" Jasmine asked "Nope, I'm good" Lara said "Okay, but remember if you need someone to talk to, I'm here" Jasmine said "I know and thanks" Lara said "What are friends for" Jasmine said. 


After work Lara tried to call Will again, but it went straight to voice mail "Please....why are you doing this? I don't understand, I need you. You can't just do this to me" Lara said into the phone before taking a sip of her wine.

"Listen here Pretty Boy. I don't know what your big problem is. You know everyone is fucked up, right? You're not special. I know you think you are, but you're not. That's a really shitty thing to do to someone, you know just leave with no explanation. You owe me an explanation. I deserve one. I hate you, you know that? I HATE YOU. I really hate you. Expect that I don't...cause I think, no I know that I gave falling for you" Lara said a little drunk before she ended the call and lay down on the couch, crying herself to sleep.


Lara slowly woke up to the sun shining into her living room.

Her head was pounding and she could hardly swallow since her mouth was so dry and her stomach was churning. 

Then she could feel the smell of fresh coffee so she tried to gather strength to get off the couch but it was impossible.

"Here, drink this" a voice said as she saw a shadow appeared over her. 

Lara opened her eyes to see a blurry figure came into focus, standing over her, holding a glass of water. 

Was she dreaming or hallucination, she was not surprised if she was.

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