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A raven was cawing as Viktor and Allison met with Ben and Fei in the Academy's courtyard.

"You're one short" Ben said "Where's the rest of your pathetic family?" Fei asked "Aww. Is that the best you can do?" Allisok asked "Last warning" Fei warned "Yeah, you don't get to warn me about shit, Flock of She-Gulls" Allison said and Ben let out a laugh causing Fei to look at him and he stopped laughing before he cleared his throat.

"Whatever. Where the fuck is Marcus?" Ben asked "Marcus is, uh...Marcus, uh...Marcus is--" "Safe" Allison said, cutting Viktor off and Viktor looked at her as Allison looked at him.

"For now. But that'll change real quick if you don't do exactly as we say" Allison said "See? I told you they have him" Fei said as she looked at Ben.

"I warned Marcus, but no. He said we had to hear what you had to say" Ben said "Look, he wasn't wrong, okay?" Viktor said "Yeah, we want to make things right with you--" "By kidnapping our brother?" Ben said, cutting Viktor off "No, that's--" Viktor said but Allison cut him off "Yes" she said and Viktor looked at her as she sent him a signal, like he should play along and the two looked back at Fei and Ben.

"Look, there is a lot more going on here. The world is in trouble, and we need to work together. My brother could explain it all a lot better than me, but...it's a time-traveling problem. We cause a paradox, and that paradox is swallowing things. Lots of cows, and a dog, a few lobester, but also people. Look, I know it sounds like--" but Allison cut him off again.

"Just give us the briefcase, and we'll give you Marcus" she said "What briefcase?" Fei asked "The one we left in your house" Allison said and Fei was about to say something but Ben beat her to it "Deal. The briefcase for our brother" he said "Great. Hotel Obsidian, four o'clock sharp" Allison said before she put on her sunglasses "Or we'll send him back in pieces" she said.


"Whoa, what the hell was that?" Viktor asked Allison as the two was walking down the street "What? You were losing them. I'm an actor, I improvise" Allison answered "Superb performance. Helen Marrien. But we don't have Marcus" Viktor said "Well, they don't know that" Allison said "What are we gonna do when they show up and find out?" Viktor asked "I don't know. We'll figure that out next. But why don't you relax? We're powerful superheroes. It's time we started acting like it" Allison said "Oh, like how you almost turned a conversation with Ben into a street fight?" Viktor said and the two stopped before they looked at each other.

"Come on, it's not like you" Viktor said "What does that mean?" Allison asked "Since when do you have a hair trigger? You're usually the calm and cool one" Viktor said "Yeah, and look how well that worked out for me. Viktor, we could go home tonight, okay? And for the first time in days, I feel hope, so please don't step on that" Allison said and Viktor sighed "Okay, but come on, we have to be smarter about this. We don't know enough about the Sparrows" he said "I don't give a shit about them. I've got you. No one's gonna win a fight against me and my tiny badass brother" Allison said and Viktor smiled before he sighed "Okay. Well, I need the briefcase too. It's my only way back to Sissy. But no more improvising, okay?" he said and Allison sighed "We do things together from now on, got it?" Viktor said "Got it" Allison said.

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