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- Hey! This is my first story ever so I apologise if it's a little shit :/. This story does include Katie & Caitlin; however, don't get your hopes up for a ship (as that is not happening, I'm sorry). I hope you guys enjoy xxx

Hey, my name is Amelia Reuben, I'm currently 24. My life right now in one word... perfect. I live with my girlfriend, my best friend Natalya (who is turning 22 today!) , and her girlfriend. Our lives are the best they could ever be. We are living a life we only ever dreamed of.

When me and Natalya were younger, from about when i was 17-19, we would always talk about football. It was the main point of every conversation we had. From fangirling over all of the lionesses, to the Matilda's, to the Swedish goalkeeper Zećira Mušović.

Natalya played football, not professionally, but she played. Her face lit up every game she played and I smiled knowing my best friend found something she enjoyed after her rough life.

Natalya grew up bouncing around from city to city, country to country, due to her father being in the army. She had never really found a comfort in anything. That is until she started playing football. It was (and still is) her whole life. She lived in a small house with her mother, her father, and her two brothers. She also had 2 gorgeous little cats who she adored dearly.

She loved her whole family with her whole heart; despite not getting along most times. But it's family, family fights, they make up. That's what family is. However; Natalya's mother was very very strict. Strict to a point it was slightly concerning. But Natalya still  loved her life and her family.

Me on the other hand, i got everything handed to me, at the age of 18 I was independently wealthy. I never had to worry about anything, I had a car, I still lived with my mother and my cat, I had anything I wanted the second I wanted it. I was spoilt.

I was never a football fan. My father tried to get me into it when I was younger, the same as my sister, but neither of us were interested at all. It wasn't our thing. I was scared of being hurt and my sister loved all things gymnastics.

I don't ever know how me and Natalya became friends, we are polar opposites... but sometimes friendships happen with the people you expect the least.

That was until one day when I watched the Women's World Cup in 2023. Everything changed that day. I became obsessed with football. It consumed my whole life. It was the thing that brought me the most joy ever.

And let's be real, it still is.

Me and Natalya spent every day talking about the games, how excited that england could win. (Spoiler. They didn't 😩), talking about all our women crushes...

Mine main ones were Katie McCabe, Mapi Leon, Lucy Bronze and Ellie Roebuck. A weird mix I know, but they were all I could go on about day in and day out.

Natalyas crushes were Leah Williamson, Lucy Bronze and Alessia Russo.

We both support different teams in the WSL... Natalya supports Chelsea. Where i on the other hand, support Arsenal (LONDON IS RED 🔴).

However, if you really want to know about our lives currently. We need to go back to where it all started. Back in 2023...

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