Chapter 5

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Good morning! Hope y'all are okay.
I don't exactly know what else to say but here goes another day of writing x

*Amelias POV*
I was fuming. Still absolutely fuming. I know i was once one of the people who investigated into the love life of Katie McCabe, but this was out of hand.

I would of never imagined ever doing this. Or anything like this in fact. It was completely and utterly disrespectful and wrong.

As we reached the table that Caitlin was sat at, she pulled up a chair for both of us to sit down. We were the last people to do the meet so we had as much time as needed.

"Amelia, have you calmed down yet?" Caitlin chuckled.

"No. I absolutely have not. You didn't hear what happened when you left." I spat out.

"I kinda think she might of" Natalya whispered.

I shot my eyes back up to look at Caitlin... "wait you did?"

"Only little pieces. I think someone has a little crush on Katie McCabe!!" She smirked as as she tormented me. Natalya just laughed.

"I do not!" I spat once again.

Both of the girls looked at me as if they knew I was lying and I couldn't hold my smile back any longer.

"Okay there may be a possibility that's true... however; nothing is happening!" I smiled as I spoke.

Me, Caitlin and Natalya just spent the next 20 or so minutes talking about anything and everything.

"So, where are you from girls?" Caitlin asked

"Oh I'm from Middlesbrough in England but like, no one really knows where that is." I spoke as Caitlin and I looked at Natalya for her answer.

"Oh I was born in Bath in England, but I've moved all over the place, Ireland, Germany, all over Australia."

Caitlin was absolutely fascinated by this, its like she has never actually had a conversation like this with a fan before.

"Caitlin?" I spoke quietly. She just looked at me strangely. "Are you okay? Them boys had no right or reason to say that to you. And you looked quite affected by it. I wanna know if you're genuinely okay." I remained eye contact while I spoke so she knew I was serious.

Caitlin spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah no I am, I think. It just caught me off guard yk? It's not something i expected. Like I know with all the rumours going around that something was going to be said, but I would've preferred it in a different way." Caitlin looked defeated, but I motioned her to keep speaking. "I hate saying that I got affected by it, because they're teenage boys, and I'm a 26 year old woman who shouldn't be affected by teenage boys. But i can't help it. If I'm going through this, I wonder what Ruesha and Katie are going through. My heart goes out to them."

Natalya grabbed Caitlin's hand as I carried on talking.

This conversation went on for a good 10 minutes but Natalya rarely spoke, her mind was elsewhere. And I wanted to know why...

*Natalyas POV*
I love being here. I really do. With my idols. I've met all of my (Australian) favourite people today. The girls that I have looked up to for a while. But all I can focus on is these messages I'm getting:

Why have you left the house?

I have not given you permission to go to that stupid little football meet.


I'm coming home to get you.

The last ones took out like a sore thumb. I had to reply.

Mum listen, I'll be home soon, there's no need to come home. I really really wanted to do this. It's my birthday tomorrow and you're not even here. I will give you money if you let me stay. Please mum.

No. I'm on my way home now. I'll be there in an hour. Be home. We have lots to talk about.

My heart sank. I couldn't go home now. If I did I would never see the light of day again.

I stood up with tears in my eyes and walked off to the bathroom, sinking down to the floor. Until I heard the bathroom door open...

"Hey lessi" my best friend spoke "what's up darling? Is it your mum? What's happened?"

Before she even had to ask, she knew my mum had done something. I gave her my phone to look through the messages.

"Right. We have approximately 50 minutes, it only takes 2 minutes to get home. C'mon. Let's enjoy this moment and see what happens next."

I don't know how she could be so calm. My mother is going to kill me.

Despite that, we walked back out to see Caitlin.

"Natalya, are you okay? What happened?" She asked with concern, and before i could say that nothing happened and I was fine, Amelia spoke.

"We have 50 mins left, her mum is coming home and we're not meant to be here lol."

"But you're 17, 18 soon, why can't you leave.?" Caitlin asked confused.

"She's too strict. Girls 'don't play football'. She's one of them people". My heart sank as I spoke, but soon enough Caitlin got us both off our feet and dragged us to this little back room they had at the centre.

We walked in and all i could think was 'i know she's famous but she could still definitely kill us... omg I might die here' knowing that is definitely not the case. It's Caitlin Foord. She's a softy.

"Sit down we don't have long!!!" Caitlin ran around the room looking for her phone.

"We're sat! we're sat!" Is all I managed to come out with while Amelia was laughing at the sight of Caitlin running around like a headless chicken.

She found everything she was looking for and sat on the sofa opposite the chairs me and Amelia were sat on... but for some reason, Caitlin looked scared.

*Caitlins POV*
Omg. Should i do this? Yes i should what am I on about. This could change their lives. Before I hit call, I made sure to text her and she if she was actually up and had clothes on, as I know it's a different time to us.

[ring ring, ring ring]

the facetime noise kept ringing from my laptop. And before long, she answered. We both didn't say anything as we didn't want to give it away.

I gestured for the girls to come sit either side of me while I had my laptop in front of me. I'm so scared.

Amelia sat to the left of me, while Natalya sat to the right. I wrapped both my arms around them as the other woman began to spoke.

"What do you want Foord?" She chuckled. "It's 8am. You woke me up from my beauty sleep. What could be so important?"

"Oh shut it McCabe. I want you to meet some people" I spoke back.

Katie McCabe. I had facetimed Katie McCabe. I looked at Amelia who was in absolute awe. She had her mouth wide open and just looking at Katie, who noticed.

"Like what you see huh?" Katie spoke to the 19 year old.

"Katie! She's 19! Leave her be! Of course she likes what she sees cause she has a crushhhh on youuuuu"  I dragged out the last words to torment Amelia even more. She buried her face into my side to hide any form of embarrassment.

"Right. The real reason I called. I need to show you something." I spoke. "Look at your phone, play the video."

Katie looked at her phone and pressed play....

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