Chapter 37

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A/N -

This book has come to an abrupt end and I apologise for that, i just cant think of anymore ideas for the book. I am starting to write another one tho so look out for that x

*Katie's POV*

This past year been actually spectacular, Alessia and Natalya had their anniversary, we had ours, we won the champions league. England won the Euros. Everything was perfect.

Me and Ami are looking for our own place to live in, as I asked her if she wanted to move in with me. I decided today was the day. Beth and Vivianne were moving into a house with some lioness girls, so it was the perfect opportunity to ask Alessia. We had all been talking about it for a while, after I had made a joke about it.


Hey Less. I wanted to ask you a very important question – take your time to answer. But seeing as Beth and Viv are moving out tonight, do you and Nat actually want to live here with us? Again, take your time and lmk when you can xx

Oh my gosh! I'll ask her now! That would actually be perfect, we have been looking for the past month but just can't find anywhere! Give me a second. X

Okay love x

She said of course, that would be perfect. There's me and you who get along like two peas in a pod, then the two best friends. Oh my gosh I'm so excited, let me know when you want us to bring our things round x.

You can start tomorrow if you like, Beth and Viv are leaving tonight x

Okay!!! X

Me and Ami spent the day sat with Beth and Viv, Ami crying most the night while hugging Viv. She of course loves Beth so much, but it was always her Viv for the win. I would sometimes walk into my room ready to sleep next to my girlfriend, and she's cuddled up next to Viv, so I go sleep on the couch or in Ami's ACTUAL room. She's going to miss them so much, as am I.

It's not like they're leaving forever, they're just moving out, they're still at arsenal and we will probably see them every day. We spent the night watching movies and eating Chinese food, and the time came for them to leave.

"No don't go just yet!" Ami pleaded, still crying, and holding on to Viv for dear life.

"Ami, I have to go, you'll see me tomorrow, and every day at training. I can always come over. Think about how good it will be sharing a house with your best friend." Viv comforted my girlfriend.

We said goodbye to our two best friends that we had grown to love so dearly as Ami wrapped her arms around me. I walked us over to the sofa and laid her on my lap as her tears slowed down. "I know you'll miss being their roommate's baby, but you'll still see them every day." I spoke into her hair. She hugged me tighter and eventually fell asleep.

We woke up the next day and helped Alessia and Nat move into the old bedrooms, and I helped Ami move a few of her things into my room, considering she never left anyway. It was one of the best days ever, we laughed, we cried, we hurt ourselves, but overall, we had fun. We decided to have a last-minute housewarming party and invited absolutely everyone we knew, ordering food and drinks, and going shopping for alcohol. We didn't have training for the next week, so we were allowed to do what we wanted.

The night was hectic, everyone everywhere. At one point, I was sat outside on the grass with Ami talking about our future. If only she knew what I had in store.

We walked back to the living room, with music blasting. Amelia ran away from me and grabbed her best friend's hand, dragging her to stand on the table in the middle of our living room, singing music at the top of their lungs.

"Hey there Delilah! I don't need someone to love. I'm a million miles from anyone and that's where I belong. With the city speeding past me I have never felt so free beneath the sky. They say we're born to die, But I was born to be alive."

I stood watching the two best friends, who weren't even drunk, just happy, singing hand in hand as Alessia came over to me wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"They're so cute together." she smiled, now watching the young girls in fits of laughter as they tried to get down.

"I can't wait for tonight." I whispered.

"Me either." Alessia said as she walked over to her girlfriend, lifting her off the table.

I walked over to the table and Ami immediately wrapped her legs around me.

"Help me help me." she pleaded as I laughed, lifting her down.

Quite a few of the girls had left at around 3am and everyone had settled down. I watched Alessia grab Natalya's hand as she took her outside, now was the time. I turned to Ami, as I took her to the other side of the garden, around the corner and out of view of Alessia and Nat, where we had our first sensual moment that night two years ago.

*No ones POV*

Alessia pulled Natalya outside, before trying to speak; "Natalya, I know we have been together for a year and a bit, but I need to ask you something." she said, tears welling up in her eyes, as her younger girlfriend held her hands. They faced each other.

Katie and Amelia were hugging on the exact beanbag they sat on those many years ago, until Katie asked Amelia to stand up, now facing each other.

"Amelia Rueben"

"Natalya Kyte"

They had both said in unison, before getting down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" 

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