Chapter 3

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- this story is definitely not as good as other peoples, and the writing is probably a little sloppy. But I apologise xx

*Amelias POV*
I had told Natalya it was okay for her to come over. While I waited for her to arrive, I turned on netflix in my room, made the bed, ordered some food which we both love, and got out some snacks, ready for her to tell me everything.

I hear the doorbell ring and run back downstairs.

"Hey love! Whats up, come on upstairs and tell me everything."

Natalya stayed quiet but walked up to my room with me. 

I laid down on the bed and she laid next to me and after a while. She spoke.

"I asked mum to go to the meet and greet. She said no... I really want to Amelia. I know it's expensive. But she's out of town that week. I don't understand why I can't go. She's not even here for my birthday. I should be allowed to do this. It's my dream."

Natalya admitted to me while she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Natalya look at me." I demanded. And she did just that. "I am telling you now. You are going. I am making sure of it. I know your family doesn't like me, but you're going. I've bought the tickets. Me and you are going and I mean it. It's one of my presents to you. Your 18th birthday should be a big one. Not with your family out of town without you".

Natalya just hugged me and we laid down and watched a movie.

*Natalyas POV*
To be honest, I don't know how on earth this will work. I know they're out of town but they have my location.
Yes this is a clever plan, but I'm too scared.
Yes this is my dream, but im too scared.
Yes i want to meet my idols, but im too scared.

My whole life i have been scared of my mother. My father is not strict. Just my mum... I don't get why. She is not like this with my siblings... just me.

As I thought about this upcoming day, I drifted off to sleep while we watched interviews of the lionesses.

*Amelias POV*
I saw Natalya asleep after a long needed cry. As soon as she drifted off, I ordered an Ellie Carpenter Matildas shirt for her. It's one of her favourite players and i couldn't let her go to a Matildas meet without one.

I already had a shirt; however, mine was an Arsenal FOORD shirt, perfect. My favourite club with a Matilda on the back.

Natalya ended up sleeping at mine that night, and the night after, to the point where my mama made sure she had her own room at our house.


So, it's the day of the meet... Natalya is still petrified. 

Her family left yesterday to go away for a week. So this plan should work perfectly.

The actual meet is at 6pm, it's currently 3pm and we need to be there by 5pm. I still haven't shown Natalya her shirt as she has been frantic all morning. She stayed at mine last night and i made her pancakes this morning.

"Natalya. Come here. I need to show you something." I confidently spoke as Natalya walked over to me. "Hold out your hands. I got you something for tonight." I said as Natalya reluctantly held out her hands. I placed the top on her hands, Carpenter side up. As she opened her eyes, she looked closer and her eyes sparkled. She hugged me so tight to the point where i thought i was dying. 

*Natalyas POV*
All worries had gone away in that moment. In that moment, I was the happiest I've ever been. My birthday is tomorrow, I'm seeing Matildas today, by best friend just gave me one of my idols shirts. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"I love you so much Amelia. But what are you wearing? Do you have something? If not you can wear this I don't mind!" I quickly but seriously spoke.

"Natalya, I have my FOORD Arsenal shirt remember, a perfect opportunity to show her I support her club and country." She chuckled lightly.

We both got dressed and we were pretty much wearing the same thing. Ripped mum jeans, with our football shirts and white converse.
However, i had my long dark red hair down and straightened, while Amelia had her light brown long hair in a messy bun. We grabbed our bags and headed to the centre where the meet was being held.

As we lined up to be let in, we noticed that there were so many people there. And us being overthinkers, we thought there was no way we would get to speak to them today.

"Amelia..?" I quietly spoke as there were so many people around. 

"Yes Natalya, are you okay, what's up?" She quickly questioned. 

"Yes I'm fine, I think. But there's so many people here, i don't think we're gunna see the Matildas today. 

"Stop being so negative. We can only hope."

As people slowly started being let in, we showed the security our tickets and entered. Our emotions were all over the place. My emotions were all over the place. Amelia looked so composed and confident. I don't know how she does it. But I want to be like that.

Me and Amelia were lucky to be right at the front of the barricade where the Matildas walk in. We were stood next to two boys who looked like troublemakers. As everyone came in, the Matildas started coming out towards us. Hayley Raso, Ellie Carpenter, Alanna Kennedy, everyone came out. 

The last one to come out before the actual meet and greet was Caitlin Foord. She said hi to all her fans as she came towards us. She saw my shirt straight away and smiled and waved.

However, it was all too good to be true.

The boys next to us were definitely troublemakers. As they started questioning Caitlin with very inappropriate and disrespectful questions...

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