Chapter 1

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- i really appreciate any feedback on my stories as I want to get better. I appreciate anyone who reads this story... not really expecting anyone too though :))
I hope you're all having a wonderful day xx

*Amelia's POV*

       It's July 2023, the World Cup has officially ended. Today was the final. England came second.
I'm not going to lie, me and Natalya are very disappointed. I am so grateful we got as far as we did however, next World Cup, the trophy will be ours.

I haven't been at uni since the World Cup started.

Oh I forgot to tell you, I am currently in my last year at university. I am studying sports science and physiology... Its been my life dream to be a sports physio, and one day, I will achieve that dream and help players from the biggest clubs in the world perform to the best of their abilities.
I'm thinking of back to Uni today... but I know that being English in an Australian city will only bring me struggles. Considering England knocked out Australia and the matildas.... I can only imagine what today has to face.

*Natalyas POV*
      To say I'm upset about this World Cup outcome is an understatement. However, unlike Amelia, I have gone to uni every single day. My mum wont let me take a day off, ever. Even when I'm balling my eyes out over a break up, or puking my guts up from food poisoning.

I will never get a break.

I'm in my first year of university, I'm studying nutrition and sports science. To know how to look after my body is very crucial to me.

Amelia isn't at school yet, and to be honest, I kind of miss her... me and Amelia have many ups and downs; however... I've been lonely without my other English friend.

You see, me and Amelia were both born and raised in England, however we both had very different childhoods... she moved straight to this little town when she was 12... I moved from city to city and I am still not comfortable.

I walked into uni expecting Amelia to not come today, after all, we know the backlash she will get for being more British than me.

No one knows I'm British. My accent is purely Australian. Amelia's on the other hand... very very northern British. Everyone knows where she's from, and everyone knows what will happen if they say anything bad about England.

As I'm walking to the cafeteria after my first lesson, I see Amelia run up to me with a massive smile on her face. This either has something to do with Katie McCabe (her giant massive crush), or mapi Leon... Amelia only ever gets happy over them... or me... but I haven't exactly done anything to be happy about.

Amelia waves her phone in my face, failing to stay still to let me see.

"What am I meant to be looking at Amelia? You wont stay still woman! What is it?!?!"

"NATALYA LOOK! There's more rumours about Caitlin Foord and Katie McCabe!"

Amelia will NOT stop talking about these rumours. Ever since Amelia became addicted to football, all she's gone on about is how much she loves Katie McCabe and how Caitlin and Katie are definitely not together despite what people think.

"Amelia calm down, just leave it. I know you don't think they're together but they might be... We really don't know"

"I know we don't know... and to be honest, I don't want to know. But I have this gut feeling Natalya... I just know, yk?"

"No woman. I do not know. Your gut is probably telling you that you drank to much Yorkshire tea this morning. It's probably also telling you that the only reason you can 'decode' this shit is because you love Katie."
I chuckled lightly.

"I do NOT love Katie. She's just... she's pretty"
Amelia refuses to ever admit she likes Katie. I think this is because of the whole drama going on... and because Katie is only 5 years older than her. And Katie lives in the same place Amelia used to live.

*Amelias POV"

"I do NOT love Katie. She's just... she's pretty". I stuttered out.
God, I do love Katie. Not in like a OH GOD I NEED HER way... she's just my celebrity crush yk... nothing will ever happen cause she has no clue who I am.

I stormed away like a child while Natalya was laughing at me. Just in time for my next class. But for some reason, the whole time I just kept thinking about Katie McCabe and this Wattpad book I read about her... I wish she knew who I was.

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