Chapter 16

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*Amelia's POV*

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache in the world. What on earth went on? And why am I cuddled up to Katie? And why am I half naked?

I mean im not complaining that I'm in bed with Katie but oh gosh I can't remember what happened.

I rolled out of Katie's arms and stood up to walk downstairs, forgetting that I also lived with two other girls. I was in the kitchen as Beth came downstairs. I'm still only in Katie's jumper and my underwear.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Beth, I forgot you were here! I'll go put shorts on!" I explained.

"Amelia its fine. Katie's jumper is covering everything anyway." She laughed as she walked to sit down. "How are you feeling anyway? You were pretty gone last night."

I started making my signature pancakes as I thought about the night before.

"Beth... I don't remember most of the night. I only remember up to having the conversation with Steph about nearly kissing Katie." I admitted.

"Amelia, oh a lot happened." Beth filled me in on my events of the night while I finished making a big batch of pancakes.

"So, I gave her hickeys? And made her stay in my room with me? And I had a go at Steph? Oh my gosh I so bad."

"No Amelia you didn't have a go at her, you just told her she wasn't your mum and told her to go away."

I sat down at the table with the large stack of pancakes and toppings in front of me and Beth, as Katie joined us, then Viv. We all sat at the table and talked about our plans for today.

"Well, me and Viv are popping out for lunch at like 1ish, so in two hours, but we will be back at 3, so we can all do something together after if you want?" Beth spoke, looking at me and Katie.

"Yeah of course Beth. I would love to. I think I'm just gunna chill while you're out, have a shower, try and see if I can remember my actions from last night." I chuckled as Beth looked at Katie. I refused to look at the Irish girl who was sat next to me.

After I cleaned up the table for breakfast, I washed the dishes and walked upstairs to my room, ready to just chill. That was until Katie joined me.

"Hey." She sat on the end of my bed. "Do you not really remember last night?" she asked. It looked like she was quite affected by this.

"I do, well some bits. It's not all there. But before you ask, yes, I know everything that happened between us as Beth filled me in. and I'm sure Steph will want to talk to me today too." I admitted.

"Okay, do you want to chill with me or by yourself until Beth and Viv come back. I don't mind either way its up to you." She said quietly.

"You can stay with me Katie." I said as we both smiled.

"Okay. But I'm putting away your clothes because you still haven't unpacked." We both chuckled.

"Stay here, I'm going in the shower" I smiled to Katie as I left to go to the bathroom attached to my room.

I had a relatively short shower; I only washed my hair and my body. I also brushed my teeth and did my skincare before walking back into my room with my towel around me.

"Okay Katie you can stop staring" I chucked as I felt her eyes on me.

"What? No? I- I wasn't" she stuttered. I turned around to see her bright red face just staring back at me.

"Yeah Yeah." I got changed into a casual comfy outfit before getting back onto my bed next to Katie.

I decided that I would reply to the messages that I failed to reply to over the past few days, but also check if I messaged anyone about last night

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I decided that I would reply to the messages that I failed to reply to over the past few days, but also check if I messaged anyone about last night.


Hey baby. Haven't talked in a few days? How's England treating you? Hope you're okay, me and puddin miss you so much. Message me when you can and fill me in on everything. Love you millions xxx (I sent you a photo of puddin, I don't know how this technology works so I don't know if you got it)

 Love you millions xxx (I sent you a photo of puddin, I don't know how this technology works so I don't know if you got it)

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Hey mama! I'm sorry I didn't message you; it's been hectic. Luckily, I don't have jetlag, probably because I slept on the flight at the correct times. Nothing hectic has happened really. I've got my new job, met some arsenal girls. They are all so nice. But apart from that, nothing else. How's home? You okay? And I miss puddin too, she's so cute. Love you xx


Hey sweetpea. I know you suck at replying but please try ahaha. Do you want to see me while you're here? If not, it's okay I don't mind. Hope you're okay and love you lots xx

Hey dad, yeah, I'm okay and I'm sorry for not replying. I will see you when I can, just need to get settled into my new job. We will catch up soon I promise. How's your job? The north any nicer than London? Ahaha. Love you too x.

And the one that I was kind of dreading, Natalya's.

My Lessi❤️


To what? What did I say? I scrolled up to our messages last night.

I don't knwo whert yo are bit I'm fpig to kiss Katie. (I don't know where you are, but im going to kiss katie.) 

No I'm bot I chickemd out (no I'm not I chickened out.)

I want to kiss er (i want to kiss her)

Ooops Steph saw me straddled Katie

Stepy is mad at meeeee I don't way that (Steph is mad at me, I don't want that)

I gave her hickeys oh no 

Were insaife now bit im asking katie to alwwp with me (we are inside now but im asking katie to sleep with me)

Not like thattttttt I just want company

She left my room but I miss her

I thonk I lov her  (I think I love her)

Night natalyaaaaaaa

Have fun wit alessiaaaa

Oh my gosh. Eventful to say the least.

Katie was laid next to me while I was reading the messages.

"Katie, look at me." I demanded. She was confused but did it anyway. "Oh my gosh I did give you hickeys! I'm so sorry."

Katie laughed "nah its okay, its fine, I just have to cover them for training." Katie sat up and walked over to my suitcase. "Right, time to tackle this." She joked. I got up and tried to help her. "No, I'm doing it, just tell me where to put things."

Katie emptied my suitcase putting everything where I asked her to.

"I actually need to go shopping. I didn't pack properly." I complained.

"We will go tomorrow if you want to." Katie complied.

We spent the rest of the day just watching movies with Beth and Viv but Katie and Viv complained that me and Beth wanted to watch musicals. We watched In the Heights, Matilda and Beauty and the Beast.

"You guys are actual children" Viv spoke while me and Beth were singing all the songs.

"Just because we have good movie taste, and you don't." Beth joked.

We ordered pizza and carried on watching movies until we all got tired and went to bed – at an appropriate time this time. Not at 2:30am. 

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