Chapter 15

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*Katies POV*

I was stood talking to a few of the girls while drinking my drink, until I feel a hand trail across my back. I looked to see who it was, and I saw Amelia smirking at me.

I excused myself away from the group of girls I was with and walked over to her. She was pouring herself another shot of vodka with her stomach pressed on the table. I saw this as an opportunity to pin her against the table.

"What do you think you're doing?" I whispered against her ear as I closed the gap between us. Without me expecting it, she flipped around so she was now facing me, our faces basically touching, as she downed another shot.

"Do you have a problem with it?" she smirked.

"No, no I don't". I looked at her in awe, I've never been more turned on in my life. Just as I was about to move closer, she got out of my grip and walked off, making sure to look at me and smirk.

I needed her. Right now. I needed her.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me.

"Where do you think you're going?" I challenged.

"Outside, you coming?"

Of course, I was.

As we walked towards the door, Amelia caught eyes with Steph.

"Ami! What did I say?!" Steph called after her. Amelia just laughed at her before grabbing my hand and running out to the garden to the secluded patio out the back. We ran past Natalya and Lessi, who were definitely getting up to something. We ran to the beanbags and Amelia pushed me to sit on one as she looked me up and down. None of us dared to speak.

Amelia was stood looking down at me until she moved closer. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down, straddling me.

"Katie" she lightly spoke.

I didn't reply as I was taking in every inch of her. From her bare legs resting on the outside of my trouser covered legs, to the way her hair was sitting and blowing in the slight wind. She was breathtaking.

Amelia noticed my eyes wandering down her body and with this, she held her fingers under my chin, forcing me to look up at her.

"Not yet baby, not yet" she whispered as she kept eye contacts with me.

Her calling me baby made me feel weak.

It was now 1am and I heard people leaving; however, I didn't want to ruin this moment with Amelia.

She rested her head on my neck and started kissing it. Unintentionally, I let out a long breath at how nice it felt.

Amelia just looked at me and smirked before she put her head back where it was.

Amelia kissing my neck, with my hands on her waist pulling her closer, was the best feeling in the world. We still hadn't kissed yet, and after this, I think I want to take my time on her.

I must admit, Ami is really gorgeous, but I never expected to actually develop feelings this strong for her. I thought we were just going to kiss and that would be the end of it. A few kisses while we lived together, maybe a little more. But not a relationship.

But now I want more, I want the relationship with her, which means I need to take this slow. Like Caitlin said.

Ami was still kissing my neck as I heard Steph come out and ask Natalya where I was.

"Baby baby, stop. Steph is coming." I whispered, we both looked to the corner where we heard Steph's voice and footsteps. Steph saw Amelia straddling me, then she spoke.

"Amelia, come talk to me please."

Amelia looked directly at her before replying, "Steph you're not my mum, I'm not going to do what you think I am. I have self-control."

"Ami, get up and come with me" Steph said once more, but more kindly.

"Go with her, this is my house too remember, I'm not leaving." I softly said.

"Thanks Katie. Oh, and you might want to go upstairs and cover that hickey before people see your hooking up with the new girl." Steph shot back once more.

I pulled my phone out and turned the camera round to see what she was on about. A few little hickeys dotted around the left side of my neck. Oh, it felt so good, but I can't have people thinking I'm hooking up with her when I'm not.

The rest of the night went by quite quickly, everyone had left around 1:30 ish and the last people to go were Steph, Lessi and Nat.

I walked over to Beth and Viv to help clean up with them. The house wasn't a mess, but we needed to put pillows back on the sofas, the alcohol away and just give the house a general tidy.

"Did anyone see where Ami went?" I said after we finished cleaning.

"Yeah, she went back outside, I think she's laid on the grass." Viv spoke with her thick Dutch accent.

And with that, I walked outside and saw Ami with her eyes closed on the grass. I laid next to her and grabbed her hand; she moved closer to me as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into my side. We laid there for about 20 minutes in silence until Beth walked out.

"Okay lovebirds, me and Vivi are going to bed, I suggest yous do two... in separate beds please!" Beth chuckled as I looked at Ami for the first time in these 20 minutes.

"c'mon, let's get you up to bed." I picked her up and carried her up to her room.

Just I was about to leave, Ami spoke up.

"Baby, can you stay with me?"

"I don't think that's a good idea Lia, remember what Steph and Beth said" I chuckled as I realized that their names rhymed.

"Please Katie. Nothing will happen, I just want you to lay with me so I can fall asleep." She spoke so softly. How could I say no to that?

"Okay love, but you can't sleep in that dress, you'll be uncomfortable." I said as I looked around her room, only to realise, she hadn't even unpacked yet. Her suitcase was just a mess on the floor.

"I'll be back, give me 5 minutes. Tops." I left Amelia on her bed as I went to go get her some clothes from my room and get myself changed.

I walked back into her room in new shorts and an oversized shirt. Amelia just looked at me and smiled until I walked over.

"c'mon let's get you undressed and get new clothes on." I suggested, not knowing if she will let me undress her or not. She just looked at me as she nodded "yes, you can undress me." As If she read my thoughts.

I slowly grabbed the straps of her dress and slid them down her shoulders, over her arms as they were now free. I carefully slid the rest of her dress down to her ankles as I admired her now semi-naked body.

I grabbed my jumper that was on her bed, and placed if over her naked top half, taking my time to admire her more. I let her sit on the bed so I could put some shorts on her, but she refused.

"I'll just sleep in this jumper, it's okay." She murmured.

"Okay, c'mon let's get to bed" I said as I smiled, and I checked the time. 2:30am.

Ami grabbed my arm and put it around her as she cuddled into my side under the covers. The feeling of her bare thighs against mine sent shivers down my body.

We both fell asleep quite quickly, but I fell asleep after Ami, as I admired the sleeping 19-year-old on my chest.

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