Chapter 28

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*Natalya's POV*

After the game night last night, Caitlin took us all home, with Lotte in the front and Lessi and me in the back. The whole car ride Alessia had her hand on my thigh, unintentionally making me feel giddy by her touch – making the already prominent butterflies in my stomach go wild. However, she had no clue this was the case. We got home a few minutes later and as we said goodnight to the other two girls, Lessi grabbed my hand sweetly and took me upstairs.

We got changed and I laid in her arms, just watching the tv, before Lessi looks at me and speaks.

"Can you tell me about the whole you and Ami situation? With me and Tooney on your phone?"

I sat up, still holding her hand, before speaking. "Yeah so, this is going to sound so cringe and weird, but remember we didn't know each other, and I never thought I would ever meet you. But it all started when me and Ami walked into uni together on my first day. These two boys, that none of us knew, asked us if we knew who Alessia Russo and Ella Toone were. Of course, we said yes. Yous were the most talked about duo everywhere we went. Ami didn't know much about football, but she knew you two were the best friends that everyone wanted. Since then, he kept calling us Ella and Alessia, and it just stuck. I had blonde hair back then, so I was the "Alessia," and Ami still had light brown hair, so she was "Ella." Just like you two, we were best friends, inseparable, we went everywhere together. We both became fascinated with you both, not in a creepy way, but it was on our bucket lists to meet you both, and I've met you so I'm winning in my opinion." I smiled as Lessi as she listened intently.

"Do you want to meet her?" she asked me quietly.

"Who? Tooney? Of course, I do but if you don't want me to meet your friends I don't have to." I smiled back.

"One day you will. She is busy the rest of this month for season but one day baby, one day."

I nestled my head back onto her chest as she wrapped her arms around me, her phone in her hand and started messaging her best friend. I fell asleep soon after she pulled her phone out knowing fine well, she was messaging Ella Toone.

I woke up the next morning to see Lessi already making pancakes downstairs, while on the phone to someone.

"Yeah, that's okay. Nah don't bother. Yeah, I have space. Erm... Maybe some, I don't know. Surprise me. Yeah, I can invite them over one day for sure. How long?Yeah of course. 5. I don't mind. Yeah. Bye. I love you too." She said as I sat and watched her intently. She made no sense.

"Who was that?" I said laughing, as she brought the pancakes over.

"No one baby, just my mum." she smiled as she kissed the side of my head before I turned my face and kissed her properly.

"Plans for today?" I asked, as she placed some pancakes on her plate.

"What about, you invite Ami over for the next 2 nights and we have a movie night? Caitlin and Lotte are going out tonight but are going to be home tomorrow night, but you haven't had a night with her since you've been here. Invite her over, Baby." she smiled, putting a bite of her food in her mouth after she spoke. I just nodded and smiled.

My Tooney❤

Good morning love. I hope you slept okay. Less wants to know if you want to have a sleepover at ours tonight and tomorrow night and we will watch movies. Caitlin and Lotte will be here tomorrow but not tonight. I know you probably don't want to leave Katie but it'd be nice to have some time with us, and me, as we haven't really seen each other properly in a while. Bring what you please and you can either sleep in my room with me like the old days or have your own room we don't mind, come when you please xx

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