Chapter 34

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*Amelia's POV*

Our breaths ragged, hands frantically running over each other's body, both fighting for dominance. Until I felt Katie's hand on my bare skin, I was undoing the button to her trousers, letting her know exactly what I wanted. However, the feeling of her hand tracing up my leg sent shivers down my spine. She took advantage of this. She pushed me backwards, leading me to her bed, as I fell on it, legs dangling off the bed. Katie was in front of me, taking her shirt off slowly.

"Katie, hurry please." I needed her right then and there.

She took a step further, now stood in between my legs, as my hands wrapped the band of her trousers, trying to pull them down.

"Patience Babygirl."

Her words sent me weak, but I still needed her.

"Katie, do something, please. I need you."

She leaned down and placed a little kiss on my lips, before telling me to get up to the top of the bed, before taking her trousers off herself, leaving her in just her bra and underwear. Oh, this was a sight. I admired her body, looking up and down until I locked eyes with her.

She got on the bed, straddling me and tilting her head down so she was able to kiss me. She smashed into me with a passion I had never seen from her before. It was intense, and I loved it. I loved her. Her mouth moved with mine, while her hand traced over my skin of my legs, before finding it's place on the inside of my thigh. The feeling of her hands made me moan into her mouth, and she took this opportunity of my mouth being open, to glide her tongue in. It was a familiar feeling; however, this kiss was needy than we had ever kissed before.

Once we found our rhythm again, and Katie's tongue was adventuring round my mouth, her hands moved again, this time to my neck. Her hand wrapped around it as she pulled away from the kiss – leaving me breathless and looking at her with needy eyes. I say a word, but she removed her hand and replaced it with her mouth, kissing every bit of skin there was to kiss. As she found my sweet spot, my hands flew up to her back, undoing her bra in a second. She began biting, and sucking, on that one spot, making me moan with delight. My hands had found it's way to the fabric decorating her lower half while Katie was leaving bite marks over my neck, her hands venturing to the bottom of my dress, and trying to pull it.

"What do you want Katie?" I asked, knowing fine well what she wanted.

"Off. Now." Demanding, I liked it, but I wanted to challenge her. I removed my hands from her bottom half, before sitting up, slowly and patiently taking off my dress. Katie was getting frustrated. She wrapped her hands around the bottom of my dress, before pulling it over my head, seeing the smirk plastered across my face.

"You won't be happy with that decision soon Amelia." Oooh, terrifying.

Her lips smashed back into mine, before her hand drove to the only fabric on my skin, covering the already wet part in between my legs. Still kissing me, Katie slipped two fingers in between the fabric and me, before lightly tracing over my centre. I moaned once again. She kept gliding her fingers over my core as more and more moans left my mouth.

Katie broke apart from me, starting to kiss down my body, little by little, as my hands found my way to her hair, pulling it to force her to look at me.

"Katie. I want you. Please." I said, as she got closer to where my heartbeat had now moved to. She pulled my underwear off with one swift motion, as she readjusted herself to be positioned in between my legs.

One look back up at me was all it took for me to give in. I wrapped my legs around her shoulders as she moved closer. Not hesitating to connect her mouth to my slit, giving me a feeling that I had never felt before. Her tongue, feeling new to my body, was very welcomed. It sent waves of emotion through my body every time it moved.

Moans travelled throughout the room, as I grabbed a pillow from beside me, and placing it over my head to muffle the sounds coming out. In split second, Katie had grabbed the pillow and threw it aside.

"Let me hear you baby." she spoke against my clit, while looking up at me. I shifted my hips towards her, us again, and she didn't hesitate to resume her place that she was in before. My moans becoming louder only made her go faster, quicker, until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Katie. Fuck me. Put them in" I said, feeling her fingers dance around the lower part of my body. She slid one in first, making sure I was okay with the feeling, before moving it back and forth quicker and quicker. Without being aware at first, she added another one, making me climb to the edge. The room filled with me shouting her name, as I was becoming familiar to the feeling of my climax approaching.

"You know what to do." She said, and with her demanding voice, I came. I rode out my high with Katie's tongue buried deep inside me, her fingers moving at a slower pace than before. I pulled her up to connect our lips together, before deciding that we were not done. I pulled away soon after, looking at Katie's eyes as I whispered, "Your turn."

Katie smiled as she kissed me again.

"Tell me what to do." she instructed.

"Sit on my face." I said, but covering it up with fake confidence.

She immediately moved up, hovering above my face as she lowered down, my tongue adventuring my girlfriends centre, moving slowly to endure every single taste. I could hear her trying to moan quietly, which only boosted my ego as I went quicker. Her hips moved back and forth as my tongue dove deeper, and deeper, into her. I wanted to taste every bit of her this second. Seeing as she was already turned on from eating me out, it didn't take long before her high came, staying sat on my face as I helped her climb down.

She moved off my face and back down to my chest, kissing me softly this time.

"You made me feel so good." she whispered.

"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend" was all I managed to say, as we both laid down under the covers, our breaths trying hard to return to normal.

We laid there, a mess, for about 30 minutes before deciding we needed to shower. I jumped in first, leaving Katie to compose herself, and around 5 minutes later, Katie came and joined me. Standing behind me in the shower, she kissed my neck again, while her hands grabbed my tits, both moving in unison.

"Baby" I moaned. This only made her more excited. "You're going to get me going again." I whispered, flinging my head back.

"And is that such a bad thing?" 

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