Chapter 21

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- This is going to be a longer chapter than the rest. I don't apologise 😉

*Natalya's POV*

Today was good, really good. It felt amazing to let everything out.

Steph has turned into a proper mum figure to me. She makes me feel cared for and looked after. Despite knowing that all the Arsenal girls care deeply for me, like they have stated many times, I feel the most attached to Steph. She has been with me from the journey from Australia to here.

I know Caitlin has been too, but I live with her, so she feels more like my protective older sister, if that makes sense.

After Steph took us shopping, she dropped us back at Ami's house to get changed, as I decided to take Stephs advice and keep my distance from Alessia for a while, no matter how hard it was going to be. Steph's wise, wiser than anyone else, so I knew her advice was trustworthy.

"Bye Stephy!!" Amelia called as Steph waved and drove off.

"Hey Katie." I smiled at the Irish woman who was sat in the living room watching Netflix with Beth and Viv.

"Hey girls, did you have a good day?" Katie whispered as Beth and Viv were intensively watching the show on the television, not even realising we were there. Me and Amelia nodded as we showed her our shopping bags and walked upstairs to get dressed.

Gio was coming to pick us in a taxi at around 8ish, it was now 5, so we had 3 hours to get ready. Despite what everyone says about drinking on an empty stomach, me and Ami didn't eat at all, as we were to focused on getting ready.

After taking absolutely ages to get ready, me and Ami walked downstairs in our new outfits, and I watched as Katie admired Amelia, but looking away quickly while blushing.

(Natalya's outfit)

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(Natalya's outfit)

(Natalya's outfit)

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(Amelia's Outfit)

Ami didn't catch on that Katie was looking at her as she was frantically running around the house finding everything we needed.

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