Chapter 20

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*Stephs POV*

I woke up this morning with a weird feeling, I don't know what today is going to bring, but I know its going to be a lot to deal with. Two young girls, relationship problems, and I need to help them.

I don't necessarily NEED to help them, but Caitlin told me to keep an eye on them and keep them in line, and to be honest, I kind of feel attached to them now.

The only reason I didn't want them to jump into these relationships is because their lives have just drastically changed. I don't know if they're acting off of logistics and actually being smart, or just pure emotions.

They are also just so young, Natalya has just turned 18 and Amelia is 19, their only knew to these relationships. Whereas Alessia and Katie are not. It might be too much for the young girls.

I was picking them up at 11 am and taking them to lunch. It was now 10:20 so I decided to get ready. I decided to wear a white jumper and some black bike shorts and I straightened my hair.

 I decided to wear a white jumper and some black bike shorts and I straightened my hair

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(Steph's OOTD)

I drove to Natalya's house first and picked her up. As she got in my car, I could tell this situation was really eating her up. We drove to Amelia's house in silence and as she got in the car, I asked them where we should go.

"I don't know, you know this area better than us." Natalya spoke blankly. I knew she was battling demons, and I wanted to know them as soon as I could.

We pulled up to a little secluded café and sat down, we sat down and ordered some drinks. Amelia seemed better than Natalya, so I knew I needed to ask Natalya what was happening first.

"So, Nat, tell me everything." And with that, she told me anything and everything that was on her mind.

"So basically, the first day I saw her she said I would look good on her, so of course that set my feelings off because she flirted from day dot. Then we were like flirting back and forth for the whole day at training, then you told me to step back a little, which was good don't get me wrong. Then when we were at the beach me and Alessia kept innocently touching each other and looking at each other and then at dinner I put my hand on her thigh then when we got home she kissed me, but she tried to walk away after, but I pulled her back and made out with her while she straddled me, then we fell asleep together, but since then we haven't talked... and now im thinking that im selfish for kissing her when I know she has just moved from man u and possibly hasn't even had time to settle and im here just disrupting her whole life."

I understood exactly what she meant, and I had the perfect reply, even if she would not like it.

"Okay Nat, so, that's a lot. Yous kissed, im happy for you. But yes, there is a but, lessi has just moved, yes, you're right. However, you're not selfish. You're young, you have emotions, so does lessi. My advice is distance yourself a bit, just be friends, have self-control. I know you wont like what im saying but you really need distance from her to see where you lie with each other." I spoke to the younger girl.

"Ami, your turn, tell me everything."

"So basically, you know what happened until that night you were there, but then I pulled her up to my room and begged her to stay with me then she undressed me, and we both wanted each other right there and then. I fell asleep in her arms. And then the next day we were all over each other just watching movies and I fell asleep in her bed and then the next day when I examined her she was flirting with me hardcore and she put my hand on the top of her thigh and I swear I could've had her right there but we were at work so I couldn't. But I still haven't kissed her yet but I've been so close to its unbelievable but once I've kissed her I know I won't have the self-control to go all in and just have her and I know you're like my mum so you don't want to hear this but I know I would have her at the second I wanted her if I had kissed her cause it just advances so quickly for me. But she kisses me on the head and holds my waist and my thighs and its just getting so hard."

Yes, she was right, too much information for my adult ears.

"Ami love, im going to say the same thing to you, but I know you wont listen, Natalya might. But you need to distance yourself, take things slow, im glad you haven't kissed her yet, but I know you're close to. You girls need to have some self-control. What are your plans for tonight?" I asked them.

"Gio invited me and Ami clubbing so we might go with her." Nat spoke.

"Yes, do that, it'll give you time away from your girls.

After we spent a few hours in the café just talking about everything, I dropped the girls back home, but not after we went to town and shopped for a while. I took Natalya and Amelia to go buy some new dresses for tonight, and to just enjoy themselves.

I hope they will both be okay. To secure my thoughts, I messaged Gio.


Hey G, I heard you're taking Ami and Nat out tonight. Can I ask you to keep an eye on them please? I trust you to be sensible but with the state these girls are in, im concerned for them. Look after them please Baby G! And have a good night xxx

Yes, ofc I'll look after them Steph. They're like my sisters. Ill make sure they don't go to crazy, thank you for looking out for them though. Thank youuu, and I hope you have a good night too. Love you Mama S xxx

You see, Gio is like my child, she has been from the second she joined arsenal. She never had a mum figure, but I looked after her, which is why she calls me Mama S.

I dropped the girls back home after going shopping and could only wonder how they would get on...

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