Chapter 36

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*Alessia's POV*

My heart was racing. I had planned this whole day ages ago, but when Jonas called me, last night telling me he was going to sign Natalya, I knew it was going to be extra special. You see, Jonas already knew he was going to sign Nat like a month ago, but I asked him to make her think she was going in for a trial day so I could get the house sorted. Lotte and Caitlin are going over to Ami and Katie's house to spend the night with them, so me and Nat had the house alone.

This morning I went shopping for her favourite snacks, tango blue raspberry bon bons, along with some crisps, a new blanket, and a teddy bear. Along with a necklace and ring she had always raved about. I set them out on the glass table in the movie room, as I laid flower petals from the door to the room I was going to be in and waited.

I heard the door open, and I waited patiently.

"Alessia?" Her little voice called out. "I need to tell you something."

I stayed quiet.

I was stood next to the table waiting, as Natalya followed the trail of petals into the room.

"My love, what is this?" she said, tears already forming in her eyes as she came closer to me.

"I wanted to make it special. I know you had an amazing day today and I wanted to try and make it better." I started crying. "Natalya Mae? Will you officially be my girlfriend?" I said, holding her hands in mine.

"Of course, I will you idiot! I've been waiting for you to ask me for 6 months now!" She spoke, hugging me before looking at everything on the table.

"You're so sweet babe" she said, kissing my lips before she picked up the bear and the flowers, then sitting on the couch, motioning me to join her.

Wait baby, I got you something else" I said, before getting the bag I had placed behind the couch. "Hold your hands out and close your eyes". As she did that, I placed the box that had two silver "A" necklaces in it. One for me, and one for her.

"Oh Alessia, I love it" she said, putting it on straight away. I was in tears as she put mine on me. 

We laid down and watched her favourite movie while cuddled up under the new blanket, with the teddy bear sat next to us

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We laid down and watched her favourite movie while cuddled up under the new blanket, with the teddy bear sat next to us. I have to admit, I never thought The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe would be a good movie, but it surprisingly is. I was still slightly crying from the emotions of tonight and Natalya looked at me and wiped a tear. I laughed as I decided to say something that was a little risky.

"If im crying now just asking you to be my girlfriend, I wonder how much ill cry when I ask you to marry me."

Instead of being weirded out, she placed a little kiss on my lips, before laying her head back on my chest.

"I'll be crying a whole bunch that day too."

We ended up watching the whole movie and debating over what food to order before we settled on McDonalds, which was none of our original ideas. While eating, Natalya told me about the whole day, how her and Beth were the power duo, how everyone had surrounded her with hugs and praises, and how Jonas said he was signing her straight away.

I wish I could've been there, but I was too busy getting ready for one of the most emotional days of my life. I loved this girl, I really did. And I wanted to tell her. I didn't want to make it a massive deal so, while she was eating, I turned to her.

"Natalya, I love you." I said, before taking another bite of my burger.

"Naw, I love you too Lessi." She smiled, continuing to eat.

We sat up most of the night just replying to messages and watching movies and staying in each other's company.

"Less?" she asked me.

"Yes gorgeous?"

"Can I post that were together?"

"Yes, you can love. Jonas already knows." I smiled at the young girl, who looked shocked to find this out.

She posted a cute photo on her story, which I reposted soon after.

She posted a cute photo on her story, which I reposted soon after

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"I'm glad to be stuck with you babe. For many many more years." I kissed her head as we turned our phones off, due to the constant messages coming through from our friends.

Natalya soon fell asleep on my chest during one of the movies we put on, that none of us were really paying attention too as we kept playing with each other's hands. Not talking, just sitting and being with each other. I decided I didn't want to get up and take her to bed, so I pulled her up closer to me, as we both laid down, falling asleep on the sofa; however, it took me a little longer to fall asleep because my mind kept running.

I know I now had to start planning the perfect proposal, but I don't have a clue when that will come yet. I know I want to marry her. From the minute I laid my eyes on her I wanted to marry her, but the question is, where? And when? And how?

I'd need to ask some people for permission first, and recruit some people to help me...

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