Chapter 17

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*No One's POV*

Today Jonas had gave everyone the day off before training tomorrow, alongside Natalya and Amelias first proper day of work.

Steph made a group chat with Alessia, Caitlin, Amelia, Katie and Natalya and asked them if they wanted to go to the beach today. Of course, everyone said yes. Today it was meant to be 35˚ c. Heatwave in England. Surprising.

Both Amelia and Natalya didn't bring bikinis, so they went out shopping with Katie and Lessi before meeting the Australian girls at the beach. Despite telling Katie that she needed to go shopping today, Amelia decided that it could wait until another day.

After shopping, Natalya and Ami got changed into their bikinis with shorts over top as everyone else already had their bikinis on.

After shopping, Natalya and Ami got changed into their bikinis with shorts over top as everyone else already had their bikinis on

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(Natalya's bikini)

(Natalya's bikini)

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(Amelia's Bikini)

As they made their way down to the beach to meet the Australian girls, Alessia and Katie walked behind the two young girls.

"Sooo, you and Amelia?" Lessi chuckled.

"You can't say anything! You and Natalya have something there for sure." Katie stated back to Alessia.

"I do really like her, im trying to not do anything but it is taking everything in me. Like we flirt all the time with each other and there's been a couple of touchy moments, but I am scared she doesn't actually like me." Lessi said with a small frown on her face.

"She definitely does like you. I can tell by the way she looks at you. Im kind of in the same boat with Ami. Like I like her lots, and she likes me, she told me. And of course, there has been moments" Katie said as she covered her neck. "But we haven't kissed, we've cuddled, but the most we have done is when she kissed my neck. I've seen her naked, but that was only because she was too drunk to dress herself."

"No, I get that, but it will work itself out, yous will be in a relationship soon enough, and hopefully me and Nat will too." Lessi said as her and Katie walked over to the other girls who had now found the Australians.

Everyone spent the majority of the day at the beach, in the sea, splashing each other and just enjoying life. They all got ice creams before deciding to head back home before getting ready to go to a restaurant.

The girls who went to the beach met a few other arsenal players to go to dinner. Beth, Viv, Lotte, Leah, Manu, and a few other girls joined as they ate dinner at an Italian restaurant. Everyone was wearing jeans or shorts with a t-short – nothing fancy.

There was a large amount of flirting at dinner between Alessia and Natalya, and everyone noticed it. Natalya had her hand on Alessias thigh and Alessia did not hide the smirk across her face and the emotions she was feeling. Amelia pointed it out to Katie and they both just chuckled despite the weird looks they were getting. This continued all the way throughout dinner.

Deciding after dinner that everyone was tired, they all said their goodbyes and headed back to their houses. Before Amelia and Katie left, Amelia ran over to Steph.

"Hey" she spoke sheepishly. "Im sorry for how I acted the other night. I didn't mean to tell you you're not my mum and to leave me alone. You have looked after me so much since I've been here, and I trust you with my life. I am so sorry Stephy." Steph just looked at Amelia and hugged her. "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry. I know I'm not your mum, but I just want what's best for you, and the rest of the team. You're only a child Ami, it's my job to look after you." Steph said as she laughed at the last bit.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Amelia and Katie went home and waited for Beth and Viv to arrive. Ami and Katie walked up to Katie's room, as they got ready for bed. Katie had asked Amelia in the car if she wanted to watch a movie in Katie's room tonight, and of course, Amelia said yes.

Katie jumped in the shower as Amelia laid on Katie's bed, absolutely tired. Katie walked out of her bathroom to see a peacefully sleeping Amelia, curled up in a ball on her bed. Almost as instinct, Katie walked up to the sleeping girl and pulled the duvet over her, before getting dressed and into bed herself. As soon as Amelia felt Katie get into bed, she curled up into her side. Both fell asleep hugging each other.

However, in the house down the street, things were a lot different.

Lotte and Caitlin weren't going home tonight, so it was just Alessia and Natalya, and after the obvious flirting at dinner, things could go either way.

As soon as they got into the house, Natalya pulled Alessia onto the couch and cuddled her as they watched a movie. There was no denying there was tension, as Natalya kept looking at the older girl who was laid on her chest, resting so peacefully.

Out of nowhere, Alessia spoke.


"Yes Less?"

"Were you flirting with me tonight?" ... she was so oblivious.

Natalya chuckled. "Yes Lessia, yes, I was. If you don't want me to, I won't anymore".

"No, please keep doing it" Less looked up at Natalya. "I liked it."

"I like you" Natalya whispered.

And almost out of nowhere, Alessia grabbed Natalya's cheek and slowly pulled her in. Their lips connected and moved slowly, softly but it had passion there. After the kiss,  Alessia blushed as she went to get up, but Natalya pulled her back, with a force that made Alessia fall on top of her.

Alessia positioned her legs to straddle Natalya on the sofa and this time, it was Natalya to initiate the kiss. She pulled the blonde-haired girl in by the back of her neck and kissed her, heavier, more passionate than before. The kiss lasted as long as it could, until they both needed air.

"Oh my gosh" Alessia said.

"What? Did you not like it? Did you not want to? Im so sorry." Natalya pushed out.

"No, I liked it. I did. I'd do it a million times again; I just didn't expect to kiss you tonight" Alessia smirked.

"Oh, I did" Natalya replied. "I was going to do it and I wanted to all night, until you did it first". Alessia just chuckled as she grabbed the young girl's hand and led her upstairs. They fell asleep in each other's arms, after sharing a few more kisses.

If only they knew what was going to happen the following days...

If only everyone knew that their lives were about to change...

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