Chapter 27

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*Amelia's POV*

After spending the whole morning with Katie, Beth and Viv, we all decided to make lunch together, which was eventful to say the least.

Beth was cooking pasta, and while Katie was chopping onions, Viv was making the sauce and I was grating the cheese – well, that's how it was meant to go. Beth let the pasta bubble for too long so liquid overflowed all over the stove, sending us all into fits of laughter. Katie was no better.

"I never cry when cutting onions!" Katie explained while tears were spilling down her face.

The only 'successful' people were me and Viv; even then, we both managed to hurt ourselves. The lunch was actually really good, and deserved after all the effort we put in. We ended up sitting on the couch watching a random tv show in silence, just enjoying each other's company., until Katie spoke up.

"Hey girls, Jonas just messaged me asking to host a team bonding night tonight. Any ideas?"

"Game night!" Beth explained as I frantically nodded, and Viv had a massive smile on her face.

"Game night it is. We can have the PlayStation on in here, and over there we can have actual board games, and I might even move some of the beanbags into the living room if there's a lot of people." Katie started saying, before she paused for a moment. "The only thing is, we don't actually have any board games."

"Shopping trip!" Me and Beth shouted in unison, receiving stares from Katie and Viv. I couldn't help that I was excited.

While we were all in town, finding as many board games and video games as possible, Katie assigned us all roles again, as if the last time she did that, it didn't turn into a disaster.

"Ami, you're in charge of inviting people, just make a big group chat. Beth, you are on snack duty, you know what everyone likes. Viv, you're in charge of making the living and dining room into one big comfy place, and I am in charge of actually finding games to play. Yes?"

We all nodded as Katie was in charge, once again. I decided to make the group chat while I was walking next to Katie in the games section.

Footballers and the Two Others😝

Hey girl! Jonas wants a team bonding night tonight. Game night. My house. 5pm! Be there! Comfy clothes only – sweats, jumpers, even slippers if you want!

Mama Cat💕: I'll be there! Xx

Foord😊: Me, Less, Nat and Lotte will be there, need anything bringing?

Me: No, we have everything, I think! Just bring yourself 😉

Baby💓: Behave Ami x

Wally🤍: Ofc I'm coming! I love game nights.

Gio👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻: You expect me to say no to seeing my little baby sister? Yes, I will be there.

Beth⚽: Hey G, what about us?!

Gio👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻: I love you too Beth. <3

The rest of the girls had said they couldn't make it, which was fine as it was a last-minute thing anyway. We went home, sorted the house, and got changed into our outfits.

 We went home, sorted the house, and got changed into our outfits

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