Chapter 23

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*Amelia's POV*

This night was going perfectly, I was singing and dancing with Gio and Nat until Nat walked away, I saw her talking to Leah and knew she was going to be fine.

Me and Gio were so drunk. We found everything so funny, and by everything, I mean everything. We knew Nat was safe with Leah so me and Gio went outside. As we were across the road from the beach, we went and sat on the sand in our dresses. It probably wasn't a wise idea, but we did it anyway.

Me and Gio sat laid on the sand and she had her arm wrapped around me.

"So, you and Katie?" she finally spoke.

"How do you know?" I laughed without moving from my position.

"You're not, what's the word?" I laughed as she tried to find the word. "Secretive. You're not secretive. And stop laughing at me. I'm not good at English." Gio chuckled while pretending to push me off.

"I know were not. I do like her Gio, I just want to take things slow, like Steph told me to." I admitted.

"Stuff Steph. She only said that because she's like your mum. Coming from your big sister, do it. Kiss her. Do whatever you want. Just don't have sex yet please Ami." she laughed again.

"Im not going to! But also, who said you're my big sister? You're only a year older than me."

"I know. Even being a year older than you, I'm still older, so I'm a big sister. Plus, any of Steph's babies are my siblings. Steph has raised me for a long time." Gio smiled while looking at me.

"I love Steph." I said while turning my head to look at the sky.

"I love Steph too."

After a while of sitting in silence, Gio came up with a brilliant idea to run into the sea together. And us being us, we did it. Walking out soaking wet, we realised we should probably go back into the club and get Nat so we could go home, it was like 4am at this point.

We walked in, trying to find Nat everywhere but we couldn't see her. We couldn't see Leah either. We walked into the large, pristine, women's bathroom, calling her name, until she came out with hickeys on her neck, pulling down her dress and her face bright red.

She definitely just had sex with Leah.

All the alcohol had left our bodies and we didn't feel drunk anymore. Which I why I was glad that Nat suggested getting more drinks. We all had a few more shots and drinks and I was concerned with how fast Nat was downing hers. Deciding to ignore it, we all got into the taxi, now drunk, and headed home.

I walked into my house to find it was empty and dark, which I kind of expected. I walked upstairs to go in my room but as I walked past Katie's room, I saw the light from her tv on and heard voices, and her laughing. A wave of pure confidence came over my body as I knocked on the door.

"Yeah? Come in." Katie announced. Probably unaware it was me.

I walked in the room with my still wet dress, just looking at Katie. Almost immediately she came over to me to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her as she whispered, "You're soaking baby, let's get your dress off." She started to pull my dress off, but I stopped her.


She just looked at me funny.

"Go lay on your bed."

"But..." she began to argue.

"No. I said go lay on your bed." As soon as the words left my mouth, Katie walked over. She was only in a sports bra and really short shorts, which made me more excited to do this.

I walked to the end of the bed and turned around to face the TV. I started stripping in front of her. I was not wearing a bra as this dress wouldn't allow me to, so I was stood there in just my underwear. I heard Katie get up from her bed. I turned around quickly. Letting her see all of me.

"I didn't tell you to get up. Go lay back down." Katie obeyed, not saying anything.

I walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out one of her massive shirts and put it over my head, letting Katie take in every inch of me. I watched as her eyes travelled down my body, many, many times.

"Eyes up here katie." I decided to torment her.

I walked over to the side of the bed katie was on, and straddled her, making it clear I was only trying to get to the other side of the bed that was pressed to the wall. As I was trying to move over, Katie grabbed my legs to keep me still.

"Amelia." She whispered. "Stay here."

"Or what? What are you going to do McCabe?" I said as I made myself comfortable, sitting up properly.

"Or" she thought for a second, I'll make you pay." She said, trying to be intimidating.

"Make me pay? How? How will you do that?" I chuckled.

"I haven't decided yet." Katie said as her face went red.

We stayed looking at each other for a few minutes before Katie turned her head, knowing exactly what I was thinking of. I immediately connected my lips to her neck, making sure to hit Katie's sweet spot many times, making her moan in my ear. It was the best sound I had ever heard. My free hand slid down her body, getting closer and closer to her shorts, until Katie stopped me.

"Not tonight baby girl. You're drunk. Let's just take this slow."

I nodded as I knew that was probably the better idea.

"Katie?" I lightly spoke. She replied with a nod. "I know we are taking it slow, but can I kiss you?" I asked, almost embarrassed.

"I thought you'd never ask." Katie said as she smashed our lips together. Passionate, but soft, needy, but sturdy. It was exactly how I imagined.

Our mouths moved in unison, and I bit her lower lip, making her moan into my mouth, which gave me the advantage to involve my tongue, exploring every part of her mouth and leaving no part untouched. The kiss was the best I had ever had. I loved every part of it. We both broke apart for air and Katie flipped me over. With me being on the bottom, she slowly connected her lips to my neck, biting and sucking, and bringing pure pleasure out of me.

I moaned heavily, until Katie used her free hand to cover my mouth.

"Shh baby, Beth and Viv are next door."

Shit. I completely forgot about them.

Katie continued kissing my neck and making her way down to the top of my breasts. The feeling of her lips on my skin made me feel things I had never felt before.

She pulled up from my neck to kiss me again. This time it was softer, sweeter. I loved this type of kiss. I loved all types of kisses from Katie. She rolled back over, and I laid my head on top of her chest, just listening to the beating of her heart before she wrapped her duvet over me, and I fell asleep. 

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