Chapter 6

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I wonder what Caitlin has sent Katie !!!
What has been the highlight of your day so far?

*Katies POV*
I pressed play on my phone, it was only a voice recording. No image. Which sucked a little bit as I need image to concentrate.

And now all I'm really concentrating on is this gorgeous brown haired girl who is on the other side of the world cuddled into Caitlin. Oh how I wish it was the other way round.

I distracted myself from my thoughts and pressed play. Both of the girls sat next to Caitlin were confused, until they heard her speak.

"Oh the bracelet I gave Amelia, recorded the whole thing. From start to finish." Caitlin smirked.

I just laughed at this, that is very much a Caitlin thing.

I finished listening to the video and I could see both Amelia and Natalya panicking... however; I could tell they were for different reasons.

"Amelia's scared you're gunna find out about her major crush on you" Caitlin laughed.

"Oh trust me, I already know" i said as i winked at Amelia. "Oh! I hope you guys know me and Caitlin are definitely not together. Like seriously, she's my best friend."

Caitlin laughed and went "are you sure you're my best friend? More like a frenemy at this point McCabe."

*Caitlins POV*
I could tell Natalya was getting worried. Time was moving on. We only had 20 minutes left before she had to leave.

We spent the next 10 talking about Amelia and Natalya's ambitions and how Amelia is about to be a sports physio and Natalya wants to be a footballer.

We then talked about how Natalya has to get home so her mother doesn't know she's here.

"Natalya?" Katie asked from over the phone. "When are you 18?"

"Tomorrow why?" Natalya spoke. Me and Katie looked at each other with a look we both only know.

"ILL BE BACK! GIVE ME 5 MINUTES TOPS! I SWEAR!" Katie hung up the phone in a flash.

"So Amelia, looks like Katie has a little crush on you too" I spoke.

"What are you on about? You're mad" she chuckled back to me.

"I know when Katie likes someone. She was so jealous when you hid your face in my side.

Amelia turned bright red.

*Amelias POV*
She couldn't be right. I mean I saw Katie looking at me quite a few times but that doesn't mean anything.

But gosh she is gorgeous when she's just woke up. She is gorgeous all the time. How can someone look like that on a daily basis...?

My thoughts get pulled away by Katie calling once again. Caitlin answered as soon as the call came through.

"So?" Caitlin asked.

"He said yes. Straight away. Didn't need persuading at all. No one knows though, so keep your mouth shut Foord."

Me and Natalya were so confused... until we looked at Caitlin.

"Oh yeah you're coming home with us, Natalya you'll be 18 so your parents won't legally have a say. We have got you both jobs already. Jonas said yes. Flights are being sorted as we speak. We just need to get you home and pack."

Me and Natalya were ecstatic. Until Natalya's face dropped.

"I can't." She spoke. "If I go home my parents won't let me back out, I can't go home alone."

Steph Catley, another Matilda who plays for arsenal, was also getting on the same flight as us. Alongside a few other girls who played for clubs in England.

Steph walked up to me. "Amelia. I'll go home with you to pack. Caitlin and Alanna will go home with Natalya."


We quickly headed home, Natalya in Caitlin's Car, and Steph in mine.

As I got home I raced upstairs and started packing. You see, I have lived in England before, I know the weather and I know what to pack; however, I know I didn't need much as I can always buy stuff over there.

I made a checklist:
2 pairs of jeans ✅ (skinny and mum jeans)
2 pairs of leggings ✅ (I hate leggings.)
7 tops ✅
3 dresses ✅
My uni work ✅
Sentimental stuff ✅ (my childhood teddy bear and my baby blanket. And a few photos of family.)
My Arsenal shirts ✅
Joggers ✅

Steph turned around and spoke "jump out of them jeans and put on some comfy shorts, when we get back to the hotel tonight, I will give you a spare Arsenal travelling kit for you to wear. You can choose from shorts or joggers, and a shirt, or a 3/4 zip or a full zip. It's up to you."

I smiled as I shoved my toiletries into the case and hugged her when my case was shut. I walked downstairs to see my mum.

"Hey mum, I'm moving to England tomorrow by the way!"

"That's okay, i know you have money for a house and a flight back if you need too. Where you living? With Dad?"

"No, I think me and Natalya will buy a house together. We're working with Arsenal."

My mum looked shocked as she saw Steph Catley come down the stairs with my suitcase and carry on.

"Ahhh Steph catley! I hope you'll look after my daughter!" My mum spoke to her.

"Oh I will, there's lots of great girls on the team who will do a great job of keeping her in line!" Catley chuckled.

"Mum! Stop embarrassing me I'll be fine. I'm seeing Katie McCabe". My face turned bright red.

"Ami, behave. She's 5 years older than you. You're obsessed" she laughed at me and my crush on Katie.

"MUM! Oh my gosh stop it." I said as I hugged and kissed her cheek one last time.

"Facetime me everyday and show me the cat, mama, I love you byeee"

I then left my house one last time.

The reason my mum is okay with me leaving is that she knows I have enough money to stand on my own two feet. I have loads and loads of family all over England that I am super close to. And she knows I will be okay.

I got back into my car and drove to the hotel they were staying at. When I got there I found that Caitlin, Alanna and Natalya weren't back yet. I got assigned my room and I was with Caitlin (here comes more tormenting over Katie!!) and Natalya was with Alanna.

I settled into my room in the bed next to Caitlin's and could only imagine how that was going at Natalya's house....

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