Chapter 2

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- Fully just got broken up with... so I'm writing to distract me :))
I hope y'all are having a good day and it's better than mine xx

*Amelias POV*

It's been a good month or so since our last little talk. But nothing exciting has happened.
I'm still in Uni, so is Natalya. It's October now.

All me and Natalya have done these past months is talk about football. I went and watched her play a few times, she is absolutely outstanding. She plays as a striker and is, in my opinion, a very very good one.

The Caitlin and Katie drama has gotten out of hand. I've decided I don't want to do anymore investigating. It's become too toxic, I get people want to know about them but it's their life yk?

 Just... leave them be.

Today there has been some rumours on Instagram of the Matilda's coming up to the tiny city I live in. I highly doubt it though, no one knows who we are. No one knows where this place is. It's just a rumour.

I really hope it isn't though...

*Natalyas POV*
There is a rumour. A rumour that could change my life if I let it. Matilda's are coming to my city?
Caitlin Foord, Mackenzie Arnold, Hayley Raso... my city? It can't be true.

I'm trying not to show Amelia that this means something to me... but it really really does.
I know Amelia would go beyond reach for me to be happy, but if this rumour became true, I couldn't go anyway.

My mother hates me playing football. It's a "guys sport". She says I should be doing girl stuff like gymnastics or actually studying in uni rather than dreaming of being a footballer.
That's why I'm studying sports science, it's a job, and I'm close to the football community.
I know my mother would never ever let me go to a meet and greet with the Matildas. Her words 'girls don't play football'  circle my head 24/7. It's a sentence that won't leave.

However; when I play, I play good. I play great. I play like there is no tomorrow... I just wish she could see that.

It's about 2am now... I have rolled over in my bed after tossing and turning and just cannot get to sleep.

I watched my Leah Williamson tiktoks (a nightly ritual) so I can fall asleep.

I tried to dream of Leah and a life away from this home.

*Amelias POV*
It's the next day and I slept GREAT!

I dreamt about Katie McCabe, once again. Gosh this woman has taken over my brain, but I don't particularly mind.

I woke up to several notifications and messages:

Good morning darling, I've just popped out to the shops, ring me if you need anything or want anything bringing back!
Love you millions. Xxx

Just checking in sweetpea! How are you, how is your little city.. hope you're not missing me too much! How's your sister, your mum? Hope you are all okay. Miss you lots x

And the one that stood out the most... Natalya's message
And before you get confused, Natalya is in my phone as "my lessi" as everyone calls us Alessia Russo and Ella toone. We look kinda like them, we act like them, we are inseparable like them..

My Lessi❤️
TOONEYYYYY! Mornin'! Tell me you've checked the Matildas Instagram. Are you even awake? Ofc not who am I kidding? You don't wake up till like 2pm! Get your ass up or I'm coming over. But alsooo, has anyone special messaged you this morning? Or are you still a loner with no girl wanting you! 🫣 jokes I love you.

I jumped out of my bed, got in the shower and got dressed before replying to Natalya.

My Lessi❤️
Hey sweetieeee, yes I'm awake. No I haven't checked their Instagram. And I BEG YOUR PARDON? I do not wake up at 2pm. It's more like 3🫣. However; didn't wake up to any girls today, just a message from dad. He asked how I was, how the family was... I don't necessarily feel like replying. But that's okay, its a different time zone anyway he's probably asleep. But yes, come over if you want to, mama is out so just us. I love you too you absolute dickhead x

See, my dad lives in England. He got a job as Middlesbrough's men's head coach and he could not refuse that offer. Me and my dad have had a very rocky relationship since he left my mum... but things have gotten better. He lives in the same house where I used to live so if I ever wanted to go home I had somewhere to stay, I had games to go to. I would be okay.

As I waited for Natalya to text back, I looked on Instagram like she told me to

Low and behold, Matilda's were coming to my city! It wasn't until May though, and it's an 18+ event... or you had to be with an adult or someone over 18... I'm 19, so that's fine, however, Natalya is only 17... she will be 18 in May, but she turns 18 the day they go back to london.

That is going to break her heart.

*Natalyas POV*
"Mum! Please let me go, I'll pay for the ticket myself. You wont even have to take me I'll get one of my friends to take me and stay with me. Please, I'll pay you to let me go. This is my dream."
I have been begging my mum all morning to let me go to this meet and greet.

"No natalya. I said no. Do not ask me again. I don't want anything to do with girls football in this house. Ask again and you're out. Understand me?"

I didn't reply.

"I said do you understand me?!"

"Yes mum. Im sorry."
I trudged back to my room, ready to cry as my heart and my dreams have been shattered into a million pieces.

My Tooney❤️
Hey, sorry I didn't reply. Is it over if i still come over, my mum just shouted at me and said i can't go to the Matildas meet. I'm gutted.

I waited for Amelia's text.

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