Chapter 35

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*Natalya's POV*

It's been around 4 months, and nothing has really happened. Me and Alessia have been on a few dates, but we are still not officially together. I don't know if I have done something, or if she is just waiting for the right time. Nothing has changed between us, a few sexual moments here and there, kisses every morning and night, going to work together. Everything a couple would do, we do.

Me and Ami went shopping for cars the other day, I got a black range rover and Ami got a black Nissan and we genuinely feel so cool driving around ourselves, rather than our friends driving us. I've took us all everywhere, up to Manchester to see Tooney a few times, I went with Ami and Katie to watch a Middlesbrough game that her dad was coaching. We have had the best few months.

Katie and Ami are as strong as ever, having a perfect work life balance. I want to be just like them. Jonas knows about their relationship and is okay with it. So, I'm hoping he will be okay with mine and Alessia's. Work has been amazing, everyone is getting along with everyone after a few difficult moments, and we have had a lot of team bonding activities that have always ended in fits of laughter.

Caitlin and Lia are back together, and it is the cutest thing ever. They are so in love with each other it's ridiculous. There's so many couples on this team, Katie and Ami, Caitlin and Lia, Beth and Viv, and soon to be me and Alessia. There's also rumours that Leah has found a special someone too, but she won't tell anyone.

It's only 7am and I woke up feeling weirdly wide awake. Lessi had her hand wrapped over my stomach, still fast asleep but I really needed to pee. I moved her arm and got up quietly. Once I had been to the bathroom and washed my face, I decided to go downstairs, grabbing my phone on the way out.

I walked downstairs slowly, making sure not to step on the creaky floorboards I have grown to learn about, and sat downstairs on the couch. It got to around 8am when I heard Caitlin get up. I know it's Caitlin because she walks a lot heavier than everyone else. This was one of the nights where she was not staying at Lia's house or Lia was staying here – They were taking things extra slow this time. She walked down the stairs towards me as I walked over to the kitchen.

We started helping each other make breakfast as my phone went off. I ran back to the living room grabbing my phone, checking who was calling.

Jonas Eidevall (AWFC)

"Hello?" I spoke, phone to my ear as I reached the kitchen. Caitlin motioned me to put it on speaker, so she heard everything.

"Hey Natalya. I heard Alessia wasn't coming into training today as she has a personal day. I just wanted to know if you were coming in."

"Yes of course, but normally you message me, what's different about this call?" I said, chuckling.

"A player from your old team in Australia sent me an email last night. Asking me, well, not asking, demanding me to watch some of your old games. I get emails like this every day; however, this one felt different. I watched you play Natalya. Before you come to work today, pack a training bag, just your boots if you don't have any training clothes, as we have plenty spare."

"Are you sure?" was all I managed to say.

"Yes Natalya. I just want to trial you for now, but if things do get that far, then I will be happy to sign you mid-season."

"Okay, thank you so much. Enjoy your morning, Jonas!"

"Goodbye Natalya. Thank you, enjoy yours too." He said, before hanging up

"AHHH!" Caitlin screamed in my ear, "Oh my gosh Nat! He never signs anyone mid-season! You're already making history!"

"Calm down Cait!" I said, before grabbing the poached eggs that Caitlin finished making. "he said maybe, not definite."

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