Chapter 4

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- i don't know how this story is going to go, just making it up as i go. However this might be my last chapter for tonight as I am TIRED! Will defo update tomorrow though. And strap yourself in for this chapter, there is a caitlin POV too! X
Hope you're all okay x
(Also, shagging means having sexual relations just incase you didn't know. Also there is a lot of seeing swearing in this chapter i apologise!)

*Amelia's POV*
As soon as these boys shouted "Caitlin!" I knew something was up.

"OI! CAITLIN!" One boy with blonde hair spoke. 

Caitlin turned around and waved like the sweet girl she is. 

"Nah! Is is true you're shagging mccabe?!"

Caitlin's face dropped and Natalya became furious. I've never seen her like that ever. 

I quickly grabbed Natalyas hand and she ripped it away. 

I turned to Caitlin and told her I was so so sorry for them and they shouldn't ask that. 

"I'm okay I'm okay, just didn't expect it. What's your name? And who is she?" Caitlin spoke. 

"Oh I'm Amelia, this is Natalya, I'm sorry about her too she is very outspoken." Caitlin just chuckled after I said that , but stayed next to me to hear what was happening.

I hear Natalya going off at them but not really focusing on what she's saying, i just hope Caitlin is okay.

I thought it was done until another guy piped up. 

"Nah but caitlin, you split up an 8 year relationship cause you got your little heart broken by Lia... you just wanted to fill the hole (quite literally) with someone out of your league."

This time no one could stop me and Natalya from the things we were about to say. 

I could see steam coming out of Natalya's ears as she started to speak.

"I beg your fucking pardon? Who the fuck are you to ask these questions? It has nothing to do with you. Yes Katie was with Ruesha. Yes they were together a while. But shit happens! Life happens! Maybe they broke up because of something else! It's just rumours! Caitlin might have absolutely nothing to do with Katie and Ruesha! Nothing at all. Yet here you are asking if they're fucking each other like it's the most normal question in the world. Get a grip of yourselves the pair of you." Natalya spoke with fury.

The boys spoke again. 

"No but listen. That can't be a coincidence that Caitlin and Katie started being very friendly and then Ruesha and Katie broke up. They're defos shagging."
The boys chuckled.

Now it was my time to speak.

"Only JUST being friendly? You realise they've been on the same team for many years right? They've been friends for a long long time. I don't think you would go to a random person on the street and ask who they're shagging would you? If so you are a shitty person. Why are you even here? To torment a poor young woman who just played in a World Cup and has started her new season only a few months ago but took time in her off week to come see fans on the other side of the world. This woman has put everything on the line for her fans and family and here you are saying things that should not be said at all! Katie is a wonderful woman, Ruesha is a wonderful woman, and Caitlin is a wonderful woman too. Let them be happy or leave!"

The boys stayed silent and i looked around too see Natalya and Caitlin just staring at me. 

"What? What did I say wrong?!" I quickly spoke.

"Nothing" Caitlin said. "Nothing wrong at all..."

*Caitlins POV*
Never in my life has anyone stood up for me like that. Ever. These two girls feel different from all my fans. They feel more, I don't know how to explain it, but they feel more like family, like I've known them forever.

This is so confusing. 

Amelia and Natalya were both having a go at these boys. The same boys who, and I hate to admit this, made me quite upset. I hate knowing that teenage boys can make me so upset.

This whole rumour situation had affected all our lives. Mine, Katie's and Ruesha's. It's not fair on any of us.

While Natalya was still shouting, I grabbed Amelia's arm. 

"Hey, so I need to go see other people before the proper meet. But I'll make sure to see you after". I spoke.

Normally is say this and it never happens; however, I am making sure I see them again.

"No you wont Caitlin, but that's okay. I'll see you at the meet. Go have fun, I'm glad I met you." Amelia spoke. She doubted me.

I pretended to be hurt and offended as I slapped my hand over my open mouth.

"How DARE you say that. I am a woman of my word." I chuckled". I grabbed her arm and took off one of my bracelets. "Here. Now I have incentive to come back. I promise you."

I walked off towards my other fans but made sure I could still hear what was being said over in Amelia and Natalya's direction.

I felt protective in a way... that's weird.

*Natalyas POV*

The boys were still going. Still talking. Still asking questions. I just wanted them to shut up.

The meet was soon, but as far as I'm aware, I'm going to be arguing all night. Amelia came and joined the conversation after speaking to Caitlin and one boy turned to my best friend and stated:

"You're just mad cause you probably want Katie McCabe all to yourself."

I chuckled as he said this, in which I received a death stare from Amelia as she started to speak.

 But seriously, how did he know?

"What? Where did that come from? Yeah yk what? Katie is a fabulous girl. She is a beautiful woman, an amazing player and an overall great human. She is probably the best person in the world. However, in no way do I 'want her all to myself'. In saying that, I would do anything and everything in order to be in the same room as her. She is my idol. She is who I aspire to be. Despite not playing football. She was happy with Ruesha. And I liked them together. No offence to Caitlin ofc. But they spilt up. Katie is single. Ruesha is single. They're all single. That does not mean I want to get with Katie okay?! If I could be with her physically right now, oh trust how I would. It's a dream. However, she does not know who I am, she is 5 years older than me. She is on the other side of the world. Nothing is ever going to happen."

Amelia spoke till she was out of breath. Wow. I've never heard her say anything like that before.

At the end of her little speech, I stood there shocked, and the boys just muttered between themselves. I looked behind Amelia and saw Caitlin stood there smiling. She definitely heard that whole thing!

It was now time for the meet. Me and Amelia lined up and waited about 30 mins. We met everyone, but came to Caitlin last.

Amelia was still pissed.

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