Chapter 26

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*Alessia's POV*

"Alessia. Look at me."

Oh, if only she knew how I was feeling right now. I've needed and wanted her all of last night and today, but this has angered me.

"No. Why should I? You're clearly still hooking up with her even after you said you wouldn't do it again. Natalya, you've made me so mad." I said as I was still storming up the stairs.

"Alessia. Look at me." she stated once again. I turned my head around to look at the girl who had the most emotionless look on her face.

"Come here."

I don't know why, but my feet started walking back down the stairs towards her. I'm so mad at her, but I couldn't help walking towards her and wanting to be in her presence.

"The only girl I will ever want is you." she states blankly once again.

"Then have me, Natalya. Have me."

And with that, she captured my lips in hers, moving at a slow steady pace.

"You're all I've wanted for a while Alessia. It's always been you." she says, pulling away from me.

"Natalya, I've only wanted you too. I need you. I can't wait any longer." I said, hoping she would get what I was hinting at.

"Where are the girls?" she asked and smirked. She definitely knew what I was on about.

"Out, they will be for a few hours."

Natalya kissed me once again, passionately. She pushed me onto the couch before straddling me and kissing me with more heat and tension than before. She dragged her tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance as I immediately granted it. Her tongue roamed my mouth causing me to kiss her more, I wanted all of her. Now.

I felt her hands going up under my shirt and tugging at the bottom of it.

"Take it off." she whispered against my lips, and I did just that. She admired my body before pushing my neck backwards. She kissed down it, leaving a trail of hickeys from the top of my neck, down to my bra.

As she got to the top of my breast, I wrapped my hands in her hair as I pushed her further into my skin, wanting to feel her more. She pulled away but I needed her. I tried to pull her back, but she refused.

"Get upstairs." she demanded. I liked this demanding Natalya. It was hot. I walked upstairs feeling Natalya closely behind me.

As soon as we got into my room, she pushed me onto the bed, before getting on top of me. She resumed where she was, kissing the top of my breast. I tried to remove my bra so she could have more access to my skin.

"Be patient Alessia." she smirked. Oh, that smirk sent me weak. I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. Like there was no tomorrow. Her free hand travelled down my body until it got to my shorts.

"Off." was the only thing she had to say before I quickly removed my shorts, leaving me in my bra and underwear. She admired me once again, before slowly kissing down my body until she got to the band of the fabric that covered the most sensitive part of my body, the part where I needed her the most.

"Alessia. What do you want?" she asked me.

"You. I want you. I need you." I said as my breaths were becoming frantic.

"Specifically, baby. What do you need?" she asked again.

"Eat me out, please" I said shyly.

"Don't be afraid to ask baby. This will only work with communication." she spoke as she dragged her lips across the fabric covered area just above my clit, as she gripped my underwear and removed it. She was now in between my naked legs for the first time.

"You're so wet Lessi." She was right. I am drenched. The sight of her made me weak. The sight of her in between my legs as I could feel her breath on my core made me even weaker.

"Baby please. Stop teasing me"

Natalya connected her mouth to my centre, and she made me moan straight away. She started moving her tongue up and down my slit slowly, building up my tolerance, but I wanted all of her now.

"Faster baby. Please" I begged once again.

She listened to me and moved quicker, her tongue diving deep into me as I wrapped my fingers in her hair once again, pushing her further into me. She made me feel so good. Moans filled my room as she explored every inch of me. She looked up at me while she sucked on my clit, this made me nearly cum right there and then. That was the best thing I've ever seen.

She noticed this and brought her hand to my entrance. While still eating me out, she slipped a finger in, slowly moving it back and forth. The feeling of this sent me off the roof. I shouted her name many times before begging her to keep going. She slipped another one in, without stopping her movements with her tongue, occasionally looking up at me, sending my emotions spiralling.

She gripped my thigh with her free hand as she failed to cease her motions. She went faster, and faster, sucking, playing with, and fingering me. She knew I was close; she could tell. To tease me more, she removed her mouth from me.

"Natalya. Go back. Now. Please." I begged, in between moans that her fingers were still causing. She looked up at me with a pleasure filled grin before she went back down. It wasn't long before I was screaming her name once again.

"Nat. Baby. Baby. I'm going to cum!" I screamed, hoping no one was home.

"Then do it baby." she whispered against my clit.

As if on command, I let myself climax, while Natalya still had her mouth connected to me, her fingers and tongue slowing down.

"Well done, baby girl" she whispered to me as she took off my bra, letting me finally be free. I took off her shirt as she laid next to me, only to find out that she wasn't wearing a bra anyway. We were both topless. I kissed her breast as I heard a knock on my door.

"One minute!" I shouted before getting under the covers next to Nat.

Caitlin walked in soon after I said she could. Caitlin's eyes bounced from me, to Nat, back to me, before she says. "And here we go." before she chuckled.

"Girls, I'm letting you both know, considering it looks like you have made up, that you will both be coming to Katie's tonight. We're having a team bonding activity and were playing games." she smiled as she walked out, not before shouting. "So put some clothes on were leaving soon!"

I needed to clean myself up after the mess that Natalya had left me in, so I walked into my bathroom, realising I was being closely followed by Nat.

"I made the mess; I'll help clean you up."

She almost made me want to go again. We showered together, just enjoying each other's company before we got out and got dressed.

We walked downstairs together to see Caitlin and Lotte smirking at us. We laughed it off as we piled into Caitlin's car. I really needed to get one of my own soon, I'll put that on my to-do list.

Team bonding at Katie's, that is never normal team bonding, I wonder what is actually going to happen tonight...

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